An Early Morning Chat

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys are ready for today's exciting new chapters, and let's just see where this story takes us. Thanks again for reading and let me know what you guys think of where I'm taking this story.

November 3, 2019 – Casey HQ, 30th Floor: Deck & Pool
The view that came come sitting up on the rooftop deck of their office building was a nice one, a view that was also quite relaxing when you came to think of it; especially when you're a woman who has a lot on her mind right now, because that's exactly how Gabby is feeling at the moment. She just feels overwhelmed, and she has a lot on her mind when it comes to everything that she and Matt are going through at the moment. Between the twins, business, and the fact that they were supposed to have triplets; Gabby still couldn't help but wonder whether this was their future, that their luck has run out. And that was due to the fact that they were in a real good place before this, before they learned that she had a partial miscarriage; and now, things just feel different for some reason. Especially ever since they learned that it was going to be another son, and Gabby couldn't help but wonder whether this was going to be something that's even worse than she thought; and not just emotionally, but that could very much affect her life forever.

The life that she's built with Matt, and their beautiful sons Matteo and Noah; a life that she hopes to continue to build with their daughters Bella and Emily, when they meet them in a few months. But that's the thing, can she really be guaranteed a life with Matt after this? She's seen couples fall apart after a miscarriage, and this was another son; a son that she knew that Matt wanted more than anything in the entire world, because she's just been so sad since they learned that it was going to be a son. I mean, maybe they should go for another baby after they have the girls; it's not like they don't have the money, or the ability to go for another child after she gives birth. The truth is, Gabby would love the idea to go for another baby; just so that they can replace the baby boy that she lost, their son Jackson David Casey. Yes, she gave their unborn son a name because that's the right thing to do. Sure, they may never get a chance to meet their son; but that doesn't mean that he doesn't deserve to get a name, because every baby deserves to have a name.

And that's what she's given to their son, a name. The name Jackson. A name that she hopes to share with Matt, as well as the rest of their family; if only to allow them to not have to refer to the baby they lost as 'the lost triplet'. That name was playing in her head all night, and it just bothered her more than anything in the entire world; so much so, that (in her dream) she had to yell at her family to use his name. The name that she chose for their son, Jackson David Casey. And if they're done, then she would like to still name the baby that they lost; and she hopes that her family can understand, because it's what she needs them to do for her. She needs them to not call the baby 'the unborn child' or 'the lost triplet'. Those titles, those names already hurt her heart; and the babies aren't even born, yet she still hurts right now. And that was another one of the reasons why she was currently sitting up here, alone as she drank her tea; well, alone for now. And there was a reason for that. And that was due to the fact that someone else just came upstairs.

More specifically, Dr. Natalie Halstead came upstairs this morning. "Oh, uhm...sorry Gabby." Turning her head with tears in her eyes, Gabby shook her head as she saw Natalie. "No, it's okay. This is common space." Natalie agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case; but still, she couldn't help but feel horrible for her. Especially when she knew that she was crying right now. And if Gabby thought that she could hide the fact that she was in the midst of crying, then the mother was dreaming; the doctor herself could see that she was sad, and that was the entire reason that she was up here. She wanted to be here, and just cry a bit; but now that she was here with Gabby, she thought that she could also be a sounding board if she needed it. At least, until Matt came up here and joined her (if that was going to happen); but the truth was, Matt didn't even know that she was awake. Rather, he was still fast asleep in bed; and just taking it easy, for now. Gabby will probably head down there soon, just as soon as she clears her head.

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