Matt & Gabby's Anniversary Night of Romance, Part 1

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Hi Readers: And welcome to this evening's chapters. I truly hope that you guys are enjoying the story so far and are ready for some more content. So, how about we get to that right now? Here we go with another chapter, and some more fun content.

They may be out of the bath with each other, but that doesn't mean that Matt and Gabby are done holding each other; done running their hands all over each other's bodies, because Matt refuses to stop touching the woman he loves. Especially when she's wearing the lingerie that she's wearing for him tonight, which is just some of the sexiest lingerie that he's ever seen her wear since he first met her; and boy, was Matt just so blessed to have this gorgeous woman here in his life. And that's why he really can't wait to get back in bed with her, so that he can hold her close; and so that he can show her love, by just holding her in his arms. And that was something that he was going to promise her Gabby as they stood close to one another right now, because he could tell that she was still worried that he was going to want to go ahead and make love to each other tonight; but the truth is, he doesn't. He doesn't want to make love to her, especially not after seeing this gem of a garment that his beautiful wife is currently wearing for him tonight. If anything, he wants her to keep wearing this; he doesn't want her to take it off, especially not as it just hugs her in all the right places. And that was sexy.

So sexy, that Matt is currently in the midst of walking up behind her and wrapping his arms around her; that way, he can put his hands on her stomach and just hold his beautiful wife in his arms while he admires the gorgeous garment that she chose to wear for him tonight. Because boy, does he love this garment; and he just hopes that she's okay with wearing it tomorrow too, because that's something that he wants to they do something else, which is something that they really need to do. And that would be get their house ready for Christmas, including their tree and everything. But right now, that's not what Matt's thinking about; because right now, he's concentrating on his beautiful wife (and moving his hands to her body). Bending down, Matt smirked as he kissed her neck softly. And boy, did that make Gabby moan; but not as much as she moaned as Matt started to leave kisses down her neck, and all the way across her shoulder. Because that's when she really moaned. It was such a turn on, and exactly what she wants from her husband; and it was all she's going to get from her husband tonight, as he doesn't plan on doing anything more than kissing her. No sex tonight.

Nothing but sweet kisses, as Matt gives her a bunch of romance tonight. And the truth was, that's all he needs tonight; to just be romantic with his beautiful wife, as he holds her close to his chest. And that was exactly what he plans on telling Gabby, just as soon as he gets a chance to turn her around in his arms, which is exactly what he decided to do, as he no longer wants to kiss her body. And the truth was, neither did Gabby; rather, she wanted to feel his soft lips on hers. She wanted him to kiss her, and she wants him to take things nice and slow with her tonight. And that was exactly what she was going to get tonight, nothing but a nice night of romance; because that's how Matt wants to celebrate their anniversary, with a sweet night of romance. But first, he has to tell her what he plans on doing, which starts with him moving his hand to her neck and putting his hand next to her on the counter. At the same time, Gabby put her hands on his chest and looked up at the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "Well, now that was a real surprise." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before stroking her cheek; after which, he bent down and kissed her neck softly.

Moving her hands to Matt's back, Gabby moaned as that was so hot. "Okay, now that was hot." Turning his head, Matt smirked as he looked into Gabby's eyes and stroked her cheek. "And you are stunning in what you're wearing for me tonight Gabby." Moving his hands to Gabby's hips, Matt brought her body against his chest; meanwhile, she put her hands on his muscular arms and stared up into his eyes. "I thought it was the least I could do, if we're not having se..." Moving his hand back to Gabby's neck as she started to say that, Matt put his thumb on her hips and shook her head. "No need to explain, because we don't need to have sex to show each other that we love each other; I already know that you love me Gabby, and I just need to show it to you another way. And there are many ways that I can show you that I love you more than anything in the entire world, which do not involve sex. I promise Gabby, we don't need to have sex; and we don't need to keep talking about it." Smiling, Gabby put her hands on his chest and stepped close to Matt; at the same time, Matt moved his hands to her neck and started to take things nice and slow with his beautiful wife.

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