I Think This Might be my Last Pregnancy

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Hi Readers: Sorry for starting to late, and for leaving you on a cliff-hanger. Still, I hope that you guys liked the last chapter; and are ready for some nice chapters today, as many as I can post. And of course, I would still love to get some feedback on what you guys think of the past chapters; and the chapters that I'm going to post for you guys today. Let me know what you think. Thanks.

"I'm thinking this might be my last pregnancy." -Gabriela Marie Casey

To say that statement caught Matt off-guard was an understatement, as he most definitely was not expecting Gabby to say that; especially not when it's always been her dream to be pregnant with their children, all of their children (in the past). And the truth was, he wasn't sure where this statement was even coming from; and that was why he really needed to get to the bottom of that statement. But first, Matt decided that he should so something else; and that would calm things down, especially after he took a moment to check Gabby's pulse. And when he last checked it, it was a bit high; and he can only assume that was due to the fact that she was worrying about what he'll say after hearing that. So now, he needs to make sure that she relaxes; and he needs to make sure that she takes it easy. And just how might he do that? Well, that would be by leaving the room; and getting her something. More specifically, he decided to get his beautiful wife some water. That way, she can take it easy and just relax, which she needs to do.

She needs to relax for the sake of their daughter, which may or may not be their last child. And that was something that he was actually still wrapping his head around because that was not what he was thinking; rather, he was thinking that they were going to go for four children. More specifically, that they would go for another daughter in the future. But at the end of the day, Matt and Gabby need to relax as they talk about this; they need to talk about this, and they need to figure it out. And he needs to figure out the reasons behind the statement. And Matt just really hopes that he can figure this out, because he doesn't want this to cause more stress than it (probably) already is in her head; and that was something that he just knew was happening, because he knows his wife better than anybody. Even though she may not be diagnosed with OCD, Matt believes that she has OCD tendencies; and that means that her head always runs wild when she has something on her mind. And that's not something that he enjoys when it happens.

Rather, he hates it; and that's due to the fact that it means that she's getting stressed, which is the last thing that he wants for the sake of their daughter. But it also might be for another reason, and that was due to the fact that she thought that he was going to be mad; especially since this is a decision that she seemingly (already) made on her own, which is something that they promised each other that they'd never do. They promised each other that they'd already make decisions together, especially when it revolves around their family; as well as their sons. But in this case, Matt does need to listen to his wife; especially since this really is a decision that Gabby can make on her own, since it's her body. The last thing that Matt would ever do to his wife is force her to get pregnant, especially after what his father did to his mother; and no, he never forced her to get pregnant as that's marital rape. And Matt is no rapist, because he isn't his father; but now, Matt needs to just talk to his beautiful wife, so that he can get her to relax right now.

Walking over to her side of the bed, Matt smiled as he looked at the most beautiful woman in the entire world; and that was due to the fact that he needs to give Gabby something, the water that he got for her. And at the same time, he was going to thank her; thank her for just breathing while he was gone, because that was what she needed to do while he was gone. She needed to breathe, and she needed to take it easy. And that's exactly what they're going to do, as they hold each other in bed and talk to each other about what's on her mind; more specifically, the fact that she doesn't want to get pregnant again. And therefore, that may mean that Bella is their last child, which is something else that they need to talk about, because he doesn't know what this means for their future. But now, it's just time for Matt to sit in bed with her; and then, he'll hold her as he makes sure that she relaxes in his arms and does some breathing. Breathing that he's going to ensure that she does, since it means that they're going to relax with each other today.

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