Family Time in Bed

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in starting to write today, but I ended up doing something else before I started to write, which also includes me getting some things set up for future chapters, including some characters that I want to reintroduce to you guys. More specifically, I am thinking about adding in the Reese Family some more; as I haven't done them in a while, if you guys are okay with that. I know that this is a One Chicago story, but I don't want to give up on some of the characters I created myself. But still, enjoy.

30th Floor: Primary Suite, Casey Penthouse – Making his way up to his and Gabby's bedroom with Noah in his arms, Matt smiled as he walked in to see his beautiful wife and son sitting in bed; while also starting breakfast without him, which he understands. After all, Gabby is pregnant with their daughters; and that means that she's hungry. Which also means that there are times where Gabby isn't going to be able to wait for him to come join her in bed, as she needs to eat as soon as she can; and those were the reasons why he was okay with Gabby eating before he came upstairs, as he wanted to make sure that she got enough food into her on a daily basis. But now that he was here, that didn't mean that he wasn't going to join her for breakfast, which also included a nice coffee, which he can only assume Gabby requested for him. But still, he did want to make sure that he can drink it. "So, I can only assume that your mom cleared her bringing me a coffee before she did it?" Turning her head, Gabby snickered as she looked at her man. "Yes, she asked me before she gave it to you; because she knows that there are times where coffee bothers me, but not right now. I'm okay now."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, glad that was the case. "Well, then I think I have everything I need before I get in bed; I'm just glad you didn't wait to eat." Gabby laughed as she heard her husband say that, as she found the idea of him thinking that she'd wait to eat funny; especially since she's pregnant with their daughters, who are going to be their last children. "Yeah, because our daughters are going to be okay with me not eating." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before turning his head and looking at Noah. "So, do you need anything before I get in bed and grab my breakfast? Maybe we can put the boys in..." Gabby shook her head. "Not a chance, they are staying in bed with us. Plus, I can see what Noah wants to do right now; and that would be lay down on your chest, as he cuddles up to you." Looking down at his son as he holds him in his arms, Matt smiled and agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that was the case as he proceeded to kiss Noah's forehead softly. "Yeah, you're comfortable here; as you relax in daddy's arms, aren't you my little man?" Smiling as she heard Matt say that, Gabby couldn't help but be happy right now.

But at the same time, she also wants to play with her husband. "I thought he was my little man." Matt snickered as he heard Gabby say that, before setting Noah down on their bed; after which, he decided to make his way around his and Gabby's bed. After all, she did want something this morning; and she wanted it prior to Matt getting in bed with her, because it's easier to do when he's not in bed already. But Gabby just didn't know that she wanted it yet, because she didn't ask Matt for it. "What are you doing baby?" Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before proceeding to get nice and close to the woman he loves; he then proceeded to put his hand on her stomach this morning, which told Gabby all she needed to know about what Matt was planning on doing right now. And that would be give her a sweet kiss before he got into bed with her and the boys, because that's exactly what she wants right now. "Oh, I can see somebody wants something." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, as he knew that was the case for her as well. "And you don't want the same thing?" Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that. "Don't push it Casey." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife.

After which, he moved his hands to her neck and just smiled as he went to kiss her softly; because that was exactly what Gabby wanted the man of her dreams to do after all, ahead of him joining her and the boys in bed. But god, the way this man kisses her is just incredible, and Gabby is so happy that he's her husband; and the loving father of their children, all of them. "God, I love you so much; and I especially love how you just kissed me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am more than aware of the fact that you like it when I kiss you like that." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smirking due to the fact that she's incredibly happy at the moment. Happy to be with the man she loves, as well as their sons. "God, I am so ready for you to join me in bed; I just wish that I got a chance to see you shirtless, up close while you kissed me." Smirking as he heard Gabby say that, Matt already knew exactly what he had to do for his wife, which was to take off his shirt for her, as he stood right here with her. So, that's exactly what he did for her this morning; he took off his shirt and just looked at the love of his life (who was staring).

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