Catching Up

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Hi Readers: Well, if things didn't get a bit heated at the end of the last chapter; what do you think of the latest turn that I took this story took, with regards to the communication problems that Jay and Alex have seemingly been having in their marriage? Do you like the idea that this is where I am taking the story? I would love to hear what you guys think, especially about this specific storyline. But I do want to say this. Based on the way that things went last chapter, I am thinking that I may be sticking with Jay and Alex for a bit; because I am not sure of just what they need to talk about yet, and that's due to the fact that I'm still just going with the flow as I write. Sure, I plan some things (like meals, etc.) But when it comes to things like this, I am just going with the flow. And that's why I really want to hear back from you guys as to whether you like these types of things. Thanks for letting me know.

"Sometimes the most important conversations, are the most difficult to engage in." -Jeanne Phillips

That was exactly how Jay felt when it came to the topics that he and Alex were going to talk about today, because he knew that they were topics that Alex was very sensitive about; topics that Alex always told him that she wants to talk about, as soon as Jay needs to talk to her about something. And since the twins were born, Jay hasn't been doing that; and he knows now that it was the wrong move, but he thought that it was the right thing to do at the time. And that was what he was going to tell Alex to start this conversation, as he wanted to make sure that they spoke about that first; what was going on in his head when he made the decision to not talk about some things with Alex, and what led him to make those decisions. And Jay just hopes that Alex really does understand and can see his point of view on the matter; of course, that's yet to be determined, because they haven't started talking. But now that Jay was out of the washroom, still wearing his sweats; they could start talking to each other, as soon as they were in bed together.

And that was exactly where Jay was headed now that he was out of the washroom, until he saw Alex standing at the end of their bed in her lingerie; lingerie that was really sexy, and that he already knew she was wearing to tease him. Heck, they both knew that was the truth. And that was why Jay was currently on his way to the end of their bed, so that he can make sure that he gets a bit of attention from the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. Not that he wasn't going to get some attention while they're in bed with each other, because he already knows that Alex isn't going to be able to rest wanting to kiss him; she can never resist her urges to kiss him, after all. But right now, she was just looking so damn sexy; and he was so glad that he's her husband, because that means that he's the only man that gets to put his hands on this gorgeous body of hers. "Damn." Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that. "I can only assume that you like the fact that I'm just wearing this nice lingerie for you, ahead of us getting in bed?"

Jay agreed with Alex as she asked him whether he likes the lingerie that she was wearing, because he most certainly did; he'll always like the lingerie that she wears for him, because she's the sexiest woman in the entire world. That's just something that Alex already knocks, and she's more than happy to prove; just as soon as Jay makes his way over to her at the end of their bed, which is where she's currently standing for him. And now, that was exactly where Jay was, with his hands on her lips. Leaning in, Jay smirked as he proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; and let's just say that was exactly what Alex wanted, as she loves to kiss her husband more than anything in the entire world. So, she decided to get close to him and wrap her arms around his neck; which most certainly is exactly what Jay wanted her to do, as it meant that he had a great chance to move his hands to her back and just hold her in his arms. And god is this the best feeling in the entire world. "God, you are so damn sexy." Alex agreed.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now