A Quick Pit Stop

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking about the chapters that I have been posting for you guys so far? And are you guys liking the ideas that I am putting forward as ideas for the story? Well, I hope you guys are; because I am going to explore some of those ideas, starting in this chapter. Let me know what you guys think of everything that I've posted for you guys, and what you guys think should happen. Thanks again for reading, and let's get to the set of chapters that I am going to write for you tonight. Enjoy readers.

Note to Readers: I have decided to change things up (again) when it came to the hospital. I have decided to combine the two hospitals, that way I can have everybody go to the same hospital. However, there will be two hospitals in one. One half of the hospital will be a hospital for the general public (like Matt and Gabby), and the other will be for veterans (like Jay). Hope you understand.

Kapiolani-Tripler Medical Center
They were on their way home, their family home; the home where they can escape from the outside world, and truly get away from work. Where they feel like they can truly spend time as a family, and just enjoy themselves; and that's exactly what Matt and Gabby are going to do, they're on their way to enjoy some quality time together. But first, they had to make a quick stop; they had to make a quick stop at the hospital, where they were hoping to see Natalie. That way, they could have a nice meeting with their OB/GYN friend so that they can find something out; and that was the truth of the real number of kids that they are going to have, the real number of daughters that they are going to have. Because that most definitely is something that they both want to have. Turning to look at Matt as they walked from their car towards the hospital, Gabby smiled as she wrapped her arms around his bicep and intertwined their fingers; at the same time, Matt smiled as he turned his head and kissed the top of her head. "I can only imagine that you're happy."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was happy, because she most definitely was happy right now. She was very happy, especially at the thought of something special happening today; and that would be learning something that she already feels like she knows, and that would be that they are having twin daughters (rather than a single baby). "Oh, I am quite happy; and that's due to the fact that I just can't wait to hear the news that I think we're going to get today. No, that I know we're going to get today." Turning to look at Gabby as she said that, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders; after which, he proceeded to grab her hand and intertwined their fingers while kissing the top of her head. "I just don't want you to get your hopes up, only for them to be dashed if you know what I mean." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was something that she needed to remember. "Of course, I know that Matt." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, because that was what she needed to do.

She needed to make sure that she stayed realistic, and that not all of their dreams will come true; I mean, other than this one. The one where they have this beautiful life with each other. And when she says a beautiful life, she really means that. There's just this way that she and Matt live here that makes her really happier, much happier than she's ever been. Sure, she loved her life with Matt in Chicago; but there's something about the life that they're making here with the boys that makes her so much happier, and that she's always going to be happy about. But what will make her even happier, is the news that she's right; right about the number of daughters that they're going to have, in just a few months. "So, what order are we doing things?" Matt was a bit confused as he heard Gabby ask him that, before turning his head to look at the woman he loves. "What do you mean?" Gabby sighed as she turned to look at Matt. "Are we going to go say hi to Jay and Alex first, or are we going to go check?" Matt then stopped in the center of the medical center lobby.

Turning to look at Gabby, Matt stepped close to her and then proceeded to grab her hand; after which, he turned his head and looked at Andy. "Andy, sit boy." Smiling as she got close to Matt, Gabby smiled as she looked up at the man she loves; after which, she leaned up and proceeded to kiss him softly. Taking things slow with Gabby, Matt smirked as he was really happy. "You're worried about this, aren't you?" Gabby took a breath. "I mean, aren't you? What if this leads to everything repea..." Matt then decided to shut that down, wrapping Gabby's arm around her back so that he can make sure that she's happy. "Hey, don't even think that way Gabby. Please, don't think that way." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, knowing that she can't think that way. "Right, sorry." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving his hand to the side of her head; after which, he got close to her and then kissed her forehead softly. "Gabby, I'm here; and I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that everything is okay." Gabby agreed.

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