Last Night was Incredible

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of today's first chapter? I hope you guys liked it and are ready for some more chapters. Now, I want to just say this first. I have a feeling that the number of updates I am going to be able to get out today, will be much less compared to the number of updates that I was able to get out yesterday; but I'm hoping that's not going to be the case, because I have some ideas for the second day of December. And those ideas start with going back to the Jacobs, hope you enjoy readers.

Home of Mario & Bella Jacobs – The celebration that the couple had the night before was incredible, and full of passion, which was exactly what they both wanted, they wanted to have a night of passionate love making. And boy was it amazing, especially when they were just kissing each other; as that was how they ended their night, by just holding each other close as they shared a lingerie kiss. Because that's the best way to end the night, to end the night with a kiss; with the person you love more than anything in the entire world, and the person whom you which to start a family with. And Mario feels the exact same way as Bella because it truly was incredible; and it brought them back to their wedding night when he made love to her in their honeymoon suite in Spain (where they got married in a destination wedding). But this morning was different, compared to that of the morning after their first night in Ibiza; and that was due to the fact that Mario woke up in bed alone, rather than with Bella in his arms (which is where she should be).

She should be in his arms right now, rather than out here in the kitchen, standing at the sink in some lingerie, drinking her morning coffee. But hey, at least she made them some morning coffee; because that was something that he could use right now, he could use some morning coffee (and he could use a nice morning kiss from his beautiful wife). And based on the fact that Bella was currently right here in the kitchen, very close to him; Mario was certain that he could get a kiss quite easily, which is exactly what he plans on doing right now. He plans on walking up to Bella and getting his first of many kisses today; as they are going to be working from home, based on the e-mail that they just got from their boss. And that was music to his ears, as it was going to give Mario a chance to hold her close to him (as she hopefully just wore her lingerie for him). Or maybe, they can get back in bed with each other; with nothing but the sheets covering them, because that would be something else. Naked time with his wife in their bed, not that it'll happen.

In fact, Mario thought that Bella was already showered and ready for the day, which was the entire reason behind him taking a shower and getting dressed. But now that he saw that she was just wearing her lingerie, he knew that was the wrong move; so, he decided to fix that (as much as he could) fact, he already did that before he even walked into the kitchen, and that was take off shirt (which he already did before he even walked into the kitchen). But now that it was off, he was time for him to do something else; and that was get close to the woman he loves, so that he can tease her and just give her exactly what she wants (even though she may not know that she wants it). Rather, she's going to have to figure out what she wanted; and that would be some time with him shirtless, as that's something that they both like to feel. Yes, he likes it when he's shirtless too; and that's because he loves the skin-to-skin time, the skin-to-skin time that they always enjoy with each other each and every day. Whether it be in bed, or as he holds her in his arms.

God, it's so hot; and she's so hot. His wife is just gorgeous, and they are both really happy with each other; especially over what they're going to  have a chance to do today, but you already guess what that is (because of the e-mail you know about). Making his way over too Bella, Mario just smirked because that was how he was going to start the conversation; by reminding her that they can be sexy with each other, as they don't have to go into the office. Rather, they can just hold each other close; and they can remind each other just how incredible last night was, because that's the only word that he can use to describe how last night went. It was incredible, and he was so happy that he and Bella decided to start trying; to start trying for their first baby, whom he can't wait to meet. Sure, Bella isn't pregnant yet; but he can just tell that it's going to happen soon, and he can't wait to get that news. It's going to be life changing news, that they are both going to be thrilled. But not as thrilled as he is, by the sight of this sexy lingerie.

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