Camila: Offers of Time Alone, and a New Home (1)

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. My apologies for starting late, but I decided to watch the Coronation of Charles and Camila; and wow, what a nice ceremony it was. Full of pomp and circumstance, as well as just what you'd expect from the British Monarchy. It was gorgeous, and I am so glad that I took the time to watch it. But that doesn't mean that I forgot about you guys, and that you would want to get an update; so, I am ready to do that for you now. So, here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Seventy.

The feeling of his beautiful wife being all cuddled up to him as his entire family sleeps this morning was a nice feeling, especially since it gave Gabby a chance to do what she (obviously) really needs to do right now; and that would be get some quality rest, while not being disturbed. Because if the boys were asleep, that was what Gabby had the ability to do; she had the ability to sleep, and just relax as they cuddle up to him in bed. And the truth was, it was an adorable sight. The way Gabby has her hand on his chest, and her head on his heart; it just reminds him of when the boys were newborns, and cuddled up to him the same exactly way that she was at the moment. And there's nothing like this feeling, nothing like the feeling of his beautiful wife fast asleep on his chest; while he just gets a chance to admire this for ages, while also running his hands all over her body...which most certainly includes him taking off her bra (he already did that earlier). God, just the way their bodies are pressed against one another's in bed is really turning him on; and if they didn't have the boys, then Matt would definitely not be so calm right now. Rather, he might be very hormonal and all over his girl.

But since they have the boys, Matt knows that he can't do that; that he has to control himself, and that he just needs to take it easy. But what you don't know, was that Camila was actually here too; and that she was about to make her way up to the door of their room, before knocking on it. Turning his head, Matt smiled as he looked at his mother-in-law (while also waving at her); after which, he proceeded to reach over onto his side table to grab his iPhone. Pressing the pause button, Matt then proceeded to reach into his ears and took out his AirPods; that way, he'll have the ability to speak to Camila while she's here. And that was exactly what him taking his AirPods out of his ears allowed him to do, as Camila soon started to talk to him (while whispering). "Is everybody asleep?" Matt nodded as he stroked Gabby's back with his thumb, smiling as he was very comfortable right now. "Yes. Did you just get here?" Camila took a breath as Matt asked her that, as she didn't want to get in trouble. "Uhm, sorry about using the spare key." Matt shook his head, before waving it off. "It's okay, you wanted to come check on us; didn't you?" Camila agreed with Matt, sighing.

She then turned her head and looked at her daughter, whom she's still worried for; after all, she's still her little girl (even though she's now a wife, and mother herself). "I know that you have everything under control..." Matt then went to finish her thought. "But that doesn't change the fact that she's still your little girl at heart." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, as that's exactly what she was thinking; she's just been worried for her daughter, and she wants to make sure that she's okay...because at the end of the day, she knows that this has to be hard on her. "If you want me to take care of the boys, I can do that." Matt shook his head. "Right now, they're asleep; and the truth is, we're just planning on relaxing here in our room anyways. Just take it easy in bed, and maybe in the little living room that we have over there." Camila agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that they aren't going to stay in bed all day. "Uhm, would you mind if I stay here? I just want to be here in case something happens. And if Andy needs anything..." Matt smiled as Camila asked him whether she can stay. "Camila, I think it'd be lovely if you stayed to help me take care of the family."

Camila smiled as she heard Matt say that, agreeing with him. "Do you think Gabby is going to be okay with it?" Turning his head, Matt soon saw that Gabby was awake; smiling at his girl shortly afterwards, he proceeded to lean in and kiss her forehead softly. "Hey you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before laying her head down on his chest again as she cuddled up to him some more; the mother and wife not having slept the best the night before, as she's still having nightmares when it comes to how she's doing after having learned that she had a partial miscarriage (of their son Jackson). Stroking Matt's chest, Gabby took a breath. "Hi." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before kissing her forehead softly and rubbing her back; after which, he proceeded to tell her that her mom is here. "Your mom's here if you want to say hi." Turning her head as she heard that her mother was here, Gabby took a breath; after which, she rolled over a bit and smiled at her mom. "Hi mom." Camila agreed with her daughter as she said that, still well aware of the fact that she's still hurting right now; so much so, that she isn't going to push when it comes to staying.

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