DREAM: The Caseys Celebrate Five Years (with Jackson) - Part Two

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To say that Matt liked the sight that was in front of him truly was an understatement, as he loved the sight that was in front of him; the sight of his gorgeous wife, wearing the sexiest of lingerie for him on their anniversary. And that was the exact reason why the couple were not currently in bed with each other but were rather just holding each other close next to their bed; that way, Matt could give Gabby a bit of what she wanted from him right now. And that would be a couple sexy kisses, that they were both enjoying with each other. After all, what's better than the feeling of the man you love kissing you all over the place; including on your neck, which was where Matt was currently in the midst of keeping his lips. And god, it was perfect; and exactly what Gabby wanted to feel today. She wanted to feel his soft lips on her neck, and his gorgeous hands all over her body; but she also wanted him to take things nice and slow with her in bed, which was something else that Matt already promised his wife. That they would take things slow in bed together.

Then again, that was also something that was obviously going to happen; because what husband doesn't want to take things nice and slow with the woman they love more than anything in the entire world? If Matt didn't want to do that, then she would've thought that he was crazy, but he most certainly is not crazy; well, at least not in that way. Rather, he was crazy; crazy for the woman he was currently pleasing, by holding her against his chest (with his soft lips on her neck). And god, was that a nice feeling. The feeling of the man she loves, sucking on her neck as a way to tease her. God, now this truly is perfect; and exactly what she wants him to do right now, because there's nothing better than the feeling of them two of them just holding each other close this way. Turning his head shortly after kissing her neck for a bit, Matt smirked as he leaned in and kissed Gabby softly. "God, I love you so much; and I am so happy that this is what we're in the midst of doing right now, while Jackson takes a nap. As I want to hold you like this."

Stepping close to the man she loves as he said that, Gabby agreed with him; after all, she wanted the same thing as him. She wanted to feel him run his hands all over her body, as he kisses her the way he was currently in the midst of kissing her. It's the sexiest feeling in the entire world, and Gabby is more than okay with Matt taking his time right now, which is exactly what he's doing when it comes to getting them in bed, because he wants to enjoy this time that he and Gabby are spending with each other. Moving her hand to the side of his face, Gabby just smirked as she took things nice and slow with her husband; the man she loves more than anything in the entire world, and who knows that's the case. "God, you are so damn sexy; and I am so glad that this is what we're in the midst of doing Matt." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am more aware of that than you may think Gabby. I know what you want right now, and it most certainly is this." Gabby agreed with Matt, smirking as she kissed him.

And god is he sexy, as she took things nice and slow with the man of her dreams; the man she wants to feel pick her up in his arms and lay her down in bed. Which is exactly what Matt promptly did, the moment Gabby even thought about it. "How did you know that was what I wanted you to do?" Wrapping Gabby's legs around his waist, Matt smirked as he then moved his hands to her sides; all the while, Gabby moved her hands to the top of Matt's chest as she looked down into his gorgeous eyes and started to kiss him once again (while also wrapping her arms around his neck). "Because I know my husband, and I know what he wants better than anybody." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case as he started to take things nice and slow with her; after which, he carried her to their bed so that he could lay Gabby down. Doing just that (as the covers were already open), Matt smirked as he pulled away from the kiss and then moved his hand to her neck; bending down shortly afterwards, Matt smirked as he went to attack her neck.

Moaning as Matt did that, Gabby as shocked because that really turned her on. "Oh, fuck Matt!" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that she was enjoying the feeling that came with him doing just that. "You like that, don't you baby?" Gabby agreed with Matt, smirking as that most definitely was the case. After which, she felt Matt push her further into their bed (so that he could get in bed with her); and that was most definitely something that she was more than okay with, because she wanted him in bed with her. She wanted him to take things nice and slow with her, and she wanted to feel his life for her; not that she didn't get a chance to do just that every single day of the year, but she gets to do it much more today as it's their anniversary. They get to be alone with each other, and just spend the day showing each other just how much they truly mean to each other; and just how much they love each other, which might even include them making love to each other...they just don't know when. "When do you want me?"

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now