Family Time, Part 1

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out, I decided to take a bit of a break after posting the last one; because I needed to just think things through and plan some more. After all, constant changes happen. But I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter and are ready for some more. Hopefully, I can get a few more out to you. Enjoy readers, and Happy Mother's Day.

Walking into his sister's home with Emily on his arm this afternoon, Antonio Dawson couldn't help but smile due to the fact that he was glad that they were (finally) getting together; after all, this was the first time that he was seeing his sister since they learned the news. The news that she lost another, and probably her final child, which was just really unfair for her and Matt, as they both want to be parents to as many kids as they can. But still, that doesn't mean that they're going to talk about it today; as today, they're here to do things as a family. But more specifically, they're here to have supper as a family; and to just enjoy some time with each other, which he believes may in fact do Gabby some good. At the same time, he also believes that it would do Matt some good to talk to a guy about this; someone other than his father-in-law, because he's dealt with it in the past in between Eva and Diego. Yes, you heard that right; Laura had a miscarriage, which means that Antonio could've very likely had three children. But that didn't happen.

And that was due to the fact that Diego was their "rainbow baby" as they like to call it, and that was enough for him and Laura; they had a daughter, and a son. And that was all they needed in life, especially with their jobs being so hectic; so, they stopped at two children. Whether or not he has a child with Emily (who does want to have a baby someday), well that's still up for debate; but it's not going to happen anytime soon, as he told her that he at least wants to be dating for a year before they even say anything. Heck, before they even think about it; which makes him wonder why he's thinking about it right now, when he should instead be concentrating on saying hi to his family. More specifically, his mother. "Emily, you remember my mom?" Agreeing with her boyfriend, Emily James smiled as she walked up to Camila Vergel Dawson; her boyfriend's mother, and the beautiful grandmother to the two baby boys who were currently in the midst of playing with their abuelo in the living room. "How could I forget? How are you Camila?"

Smiling at her son's lovely girlfriend, Camila proceeded to hug her and smile. "I'm good, things are okay here; obviously, a bit tragic at the same time. But things are getting better, which is saying something." Emily agreed with Camila as she said that, well aware of what she was talking about; after all, she has a reliable source of information about what's been going on here at the house for a while. A source which (obviously) knew almost everything that was going on here and was updated regularly; that source being her boyfriend Antonio of course, so she already knew about everything that was happening with regards to Matt and Gabby. And the truth was, she was glad that Antonio was letting her in, and that he thought it was okay to share that with her; as it really prepared her for the get together today, with regards to just what she can really talk about here. After all, she doesn't want to upset her gracious hosts; especially not when she wants tog et a tour of this gorgeous home, as it is very large and expensive. Then again, millionaire family.

"Well, I just hope that we aren't disturbing the grieving process that Matt and Gabby are going through." And it was as if somebody told Gabby that was what Emily was going to say, as she soon appeared and gave the answer that she needed to hear right now. "Emily, don't even think that way; especially not when you're family, and here to spend some time with us." Turning to look at her de facto sister-in-law (at least, while she's dating Antonio), Emily smiled at her before making her way over to her. "How are you going Gabby?" Smiling at her brother's girlfriend as she made her way over to her, Gabby smiled as she went ahead and hugged her. "I'm doing good. However, I have been given strict orders from my husband." Antonio was confused as he heard his sister say that, before going to make a comment that was more like a statement of fact. "And you're actually going to follow these orders?" Gabby snickered as she heard her brother say that, before making her way over to him. "Considering he told me to go sit down, yes I will."

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