Cuddle Time

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the first chapter that I posted for you guys. Sorry if I am posting this one so long after the last one, but I ended up getting distracted. Still, I do try and post as many chapters as I can each and every day; and hopefully, I can get some more out. And I plan on doing just that, starting right now. Thanks again for reading, and I hope that you guys enjoy it. Now, what do you say we get back to our main couple after introducing you to another couple? Thanks for reading guys.

Casey Headquarters – 27th Floor: Casey Penthouse Living Room
At least she left him a note, that's all Matt could think about as he made his way downstairs; downstairs from the twenty-ninth floor to where Gabby currently was (per her note), and that would be the twenty-seventh floor. More specifically, she was currently in the living room with her iPad; and that couple only mean one thing to Matt, and that was that she needed to be distracted. Sure, he could distract her by making love to her; but that was not something that Gabby would probably want, as she just needs to take it easy and relax. That's that she needs, as she needs to recover from the miscarriage that they're still dealing with; and that was why Matt was unsure as to why Gabby was down here, rather than in bed with him. After all, he was giving her comfort while they were in bed with each other; but now, she was dealing with it all alone (as he wasn't with her). So, he just hopes that Gabby is okay because that's what he's really worried about. Whether she was okay right now, and whether she needs him to do anything for her at the moment.

And he truly means anything, because that's something that he wants to do; he wants to make sure that he's okay, and it's why he's more than okay with them not working right now. But that seemed to not be the case when it came to Gabby, as she was currently in the midst of sitting in the living room with her iPad; and that has to mean that she may be designing something, which he guesses is okay. If that makes her feel better, then he guess the can let her do that; not that he can really control his wife, because that's the last thing that he can do. He will never be able to control his wife, and she knows that; and that's why she also knows something else, that she'll always have the ability to walk all over him. And not just her, their daughters too; he can just see that being the case, because he knows that he will always want to make both his wife (as well as his beautiful daughters) happy. And god, she is so glad that they are on their way to having a family of six; a family that will include two sons, and two beautiful daughters. And that's truly his dream.

It's his dream to have both an equal number of children, as well as an equal number of genders; because he doesn't want to have to deal with having three boys, and two daughters. Rather, he wants to have an equal number; and that's what they're being blessed with, while also being heartbroken. And that's something that's actually concerning Matt right now, whether she was still hurting at the moment; and whether she needs to talk to him about something, and so that they can hold each other close. But first, he needs to tell Gabby that he's here with her; and that they can talk if she wants to, or he can do whatever she needs him to. Knocking on the door to their living room, Matt made sure to let her know that he was here; that way, she wasn't startled when he came into the living room. Turning her head, Gabby looked up at the man of her dreams as she saw him there. "Hey." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, just smiling at his beautiful wife. "So, someone decided to leave bed ahead of telling me that she was awake?" Gabby sighed.

"Yeah, sorry about that." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby apologize, as that was the last thing that he wanted to do; because he wanted to make sure that she didn't feel bad, especially not when she's already feeling bad as it is. And that's due to the fact that she was still grieving, they both were it was clear that the both of them, as Matt could just see the pain in her eyes that came with the miscarriage that they just suffered. "So, what made you decide to come down here; rather than stay upstairs in bed?" Gabby took a breath as she looked at the man she loves, before deciding to put her sketching pad down; after which, she just opened her arms so that she can invite him to sit down with her. And that was something that he was more than ready to do, as he wants to make sure that she feels better; and he can do that by holding her close to him, as they relax in their living room together. Just smiling at Gabby, the woman he loves, as he makes his way over to her; Matt watched as she opened the blanket that she had on top of her legs.

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