The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Three Red Roses, Part One

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. And boy did a lot happen yesterday. I introduced a new family, some more employees, got them to interact with the Casey family; oh, and I started to cover Matt and Gabby's anniversary. And that's what I'm going to continue covering today, amongst other things as I may cover the other couples as well. But for now, here we go with this nice chapter related to Matt and Gabby celebrating two years of marriage. And it just so happens to start the two hundred series.

When he first set it up on the plate this morning, it all looked perfect; the breakfast that he just made for his beautiful wife, all set up on her plate. And of course, something that he started to do for his beautiful wife last year. If you forgot, Matt gave Gabby something special on their anniversary; and yes, it was flowers. But it wasn't a bouquet of flowers, but a certain number of flowers. As you know, last year was their second wedding anniversary; and on said anniversary, their last one before becoming parents to Matteo and Noah...Matt gave his beautiful wife two red roses, to celebrate two years of marriage. But today isn't their second anniversary, but their third. And that's why today, Gabby's going to get an extra rose compared to last year; just as soon as Matt makes his wife into their room again, with their drinks. And that was due to the fact that he wasn't able to carry everything at once, as there was too much to carry. I mean, two plates, two drinks; and then add on two roses, in water that you don't want to spill. Now that's too much.

So unfortunately, Matt had to make a couple trips downstairs, which Gabby was okay with (just as long as it was only a couple). After all, she did want to spend some time with her husband; more specifically, time where they are just taking it easy in bed. And that, well that's exactly what they're going to do today; they're going to take it easy in bed and hold each other close in bed...just like they both want to do. After all, this is their last anniversary before things get crazy around here. The truth is, Matt and Gabby aren't even sure whether they're going to be able to be alone on their fourth wedding anniversary, at least at night, because they were going to be able to be alone during the day. And that was due to a recent change that Matt and Gabby have started, as of today. And just what change might that be? Well, that would be that Matteo and Noah are actually somewhere other than Camila's place (maybe); and that was actually why Gabby was currently on the phone, because Gabby wanted to make sure that something happened with the boys.

But unfortunately, it didn't. "Mom, I told you that I didn't want you to change their schedule; I wanted you to bring them to daycare today, so that they can start making friends. They're almost 8 months old, and they need to start making friends with other kids." Camila sighed as she heard her daughter say that, well aware that was the case. "I'm sorry, I forgot. I thought that this week was when they go on Tuesday and Thursday." Gabby sighed as she heard her mother say that, as that was never the case; the boys always go to daycare on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. They never go to daycare on Tuesday and Thursday, as those are the days where she works from home all the time. "You know what, it's okay; they're going to be with you this weekend anyways, and you can just take care of them. I really shouldn't even be thinking about this now, I just wanted to check on them." Camila agreed with her daughter as she said that, as that most definitely was the truth. "I promise Gabby, just take a breath, and relax sweetheart. Things are okay."

Gabby agreed with her mother as she said that, well aware of the fact that things are okay at the moment. "Plus, it just means that the boys are safe; and you don't need to worry about getting a call from the daycare, because they would call you instead of me. And that's what you need today, as it's your anniversary; and you need to relax on your anniversary Gabby, so please relax and just take it easy. Plus, Matt said that this would be a good idea." And as if on cue, Gabby saw Matt come into their room with breakfast. "Oh, did he now?" Looking at his wife as she said that, Matt got nervous; because Gabby was using the tone of voice that was sending him a certain message, the message that he was in trouble. For what? He didn't know, yet. But he was certain that he was going to find out, just as soon as Gabby got off the phone (with whoever she was currently on the phone with). "Well, he's here; and I plan on having a conversation with him. Now, have a good weekend mom; and please send the boys my love, as they are there with you."

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