What We Need: A Day in Bed

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed yesterday's chapters and are ready for more. Now, I have made the creative decision to not cover breakfast; and I hope that you guys understand, as I have an idea to write. Enjoy.

To say that Gabby likes the sight in front of her today, well that was an understatement; as she was absolutely in love with the sight in front of her, the sight of her dreamy husband walking out of the washroom. But more specifically, what her dreamy husband was currently in the midst of wearing right now; and that would be his boxers, and nothing more...especially when it means that he gets to show off for her. And not just sexually, but his muscles; and boy are those nice muscles of his something that she loves to look at, because her husband is a stud...more importantly, he's her stud; and will always be her stud. And that most certainly is something that Matt knows, as he got ready to do what they both wanted to do today; and just what might that be? Well, that would be get in bed; that way, they can spend a day in bed with each other (which is everything that they both want to do today). They want to hold each other close, and they want to spend the day together; with their sons, Matteo, and Noah without any disturbances from their friends.

In fact, she already texted everything in their family (as well as their friends) that are not to be disturbed today. Today, Matt and Gabby are going to spend time with Matteo and Noah, and they are going to spend time with each other, which is something that Gabby is really craving, as Matt wearing those tight boxers of his is really turning her one; heck, if they didn't have the boys today...then she could only dream of the things that she'd want him to do for her today. More specifically, how she'd like for Matt to please her in bed today; as they took things nice and slow with each other, which they may still get a chance to do at some point. And that's after the boys are in their nursery, which is where they always sleep; whether that be tonight (when they're down for the night), or in the middle of the day (as the boys take a nap)...well, that's something that she and Matt most definitely are going to do; and Matt just hopes that Gabby's okay with that idea, because they've yet to talk about it. But god, he wants to take her in his arms so bad.

And he can only assume that Gabby feels the same way, based on the lingerie that she's wearing for him today; lingerie that he loves to look at, because she looks incredibly sexy in that lingerie that she's wearing right now. Looking at his gorgeous wife as she just laid down there in bed wearing her lingerie, Matt shook his head and smirked; and that's due to the fact that he's incredibly happy that this is what they're going to do today, all day. But before he can get in bed with Gabby, Matt has to do some things; the first of those things would be to do something to make him smell better, as he doesn't want to smell bad for his wife today. "So, listen, I know that you want me to get in with you; but I have some things to do, before I can get in bed with you." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt tell her that, unsure as to what he was talking about. "What are you talking about?" Matt laughed as he looked at the woman he loves (while also walking up to his dresser), so that he can put his deodorant on. "Want me to smell good? Or do you want me to stink?"

Gabby smiled as she heard Matt say that, well aware that was something that he needed to do. "Thanks." Matt shook his head as he heard Gabby say that, because it's something that he's more than happy to do. "Babe, I'm going to do it because I want to smell good; but that doesn't mean that I'm coming right to bed after I do this." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, before just looking at him. "What are you going to do then?" Turning to look at the twins as he put his deodorant on, Matt smiled at his boys. "Do you really think that I'm not going to say hi to the boys, and check on them before I join you in bed?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling as she watched him grab his phone; and let's just say that didn't keep the smile on her face for long, as that was not what Gabby wanted to see in his hand right now. In fact, she didn't want him to use his phone (unless it was for personal use); and she was going to make sure that was the case. "I hope you k now that I want that phone on personal mode, not on office mode."

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