Change of Plans, after a Drama-Filled Dream, Pt. 1

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Hi Readers: Well, if that wasn't a way to end the night last night; sorry that I left you hanging, but I needed to do something to leave you wanting more. I hope that you guys liked it though and are ready to ese where this story continues to go. Thanks for reading.

Three hours, thirty-seven minutes, and forty-nine seconds (and counting). That's how long it's been since Gabby said those faithful words that changed everything, that changed all of the plans that they made with her family; the plans where they would spend time downstairs with them, with their boys. And it was all because of nine words, that's all it took for Matt to know that this was the right more; that it was wise for them to spend more time alone with each other, rather than stay downstairs with the kids. So, they can talk...about those nine words that she mentioned to him downstairs, in front of the rest of their family, which led to them being alone.

"In my dream, I lost all of the babies."

The moment that Gabby said those nine worlds, their family knew that they were not going to be spending the night with them; rather, they're going to be spending time (with each other) in their bedroom. And that was something that Matt was more than okay with doing, because it will allow Matt to do what he needs to do for his wife; he needs to hold her close, and he needs to make her feel better. Especially when it's related to their daughters, and their late son; and the statement that Gabby said downstairs, related to the idea that they may have lost all of their children. And that most definitely is something that means that they need to talk. They need to talk to each other, and they need to relax with each other in bed; while Matt holds the woman he loves in his arms, and just makes sure that they both take it easy with each other. And that means that they are not going to do anything sexual, under any circumstances; because Gabby needs comfort from him right now, she doesn't need any sexual time with the man of her dreams.

And that's something that Matt knew, as he walked into the bathroom this evening; only to see Gabby standing in some sexy lingerie that she was wearing for him. And that was something that actually confused him, as he didn't think that she would want to be wearing something like this for him. "What are you wearing?" Looking up at Matt as he tugged down the t-shirt that he was in the midst of putting on, on top of his boxers; Gabby took a breath and smiled, hoping that Matt liked it. 

Yet, it seems like Matt isn't liking the sight of her wearing this lingerie

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Yet, it seems like Matt isn't liking the sight of her wearing this lingerie. "Do you not like the lingerie?" Looking at his wife as she said that, Matt was absolutely horrified that she would even think that way; that she would think that he didn't like the sight of her wearing lingerie for him, just because they were in here so that he could make her feel better. "Oh my god, that's not at all what I said baby; I hope you know that." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. God, she really hates these emotions; and all of those hormones, which hurt.

These hormones are just making her emotions go all over the place, which is the last thing that she wants to happen right now; she doesn't want her hormones to cloud this conversation that they're going to have tonight, because that's not fair to Matt. And that's due to the fact that he must have some hard feelings about this, which has to be related to his PTSD as well; god, that's something else that she's even more worried about. Whether that statement she just made would cause him to have more PTSD, not that she should be thinking about that right now as Matt walked up behind her and put his hands on her hips. At the same time, Matt smirked as he looked at the woman he loves in the mirror; before bending down and leaving a soft kiss on her shoulder. "Baby, I want you to listen to me right now. I never want you to think that I don't like the sight of you wearing this lingerie, I'm just shocked that you're wearing it; not when you have so much on your mind right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, returning to that statement she said.

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