Fuckin' Sexy - Part 2

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Walking out of the washroom clad in the boxers that Alex loves seeing him wear, Jay Halstead smirked due to the fact that he absolutely loves the fact that he and Alex are currently alone; and just spending some quality time with each other. Time that will also include him running his hands all over her gorgeous body, as that's just what happens when she wears lingerie. And Alex is already well aware of that fact because it's why she's wearing that type of lingerie in the first place. Well, trying to wear it; because she won't completely be wearing it, until she has the strings done up on the lingerie. And while Jay knew that he should go right ahead and put his sweats on before he walks over to his beautiful wife; he also knew that he wasn't going to be able to resist what nice opportunity he has here. An opportunity to touch his gorgeous wife, and just move his hands all over her delicious body. And that's exactly what Jay's going to do right now, as he walked up behind her and put his hands on her hips. "So damn sexy."

Laughing as she heard Jay say that, Alex shook her head as she should've known that this was going to happen; that he was going to walk up behind her, and move his hands to her body the first chance he got to do so. But the truth was, she was happy that he hand his hands on her body; because she always loves the feeling of his hands on her body, which she was going to take advantage of right now. Turning around in Jay's arms this morning, Alex smirked as she looked at her loving husband; after which, she got close to him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. At the same time, Jay leaned in and started to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world nice and slowly. "God, you are so damn sexy." Moving her hand to Jay's neck as he repeated himself, Alex smirked as she was about to do something even sexier. "Oh, I'm sexy now?" Moving her hand to his chest, Alex got nice and close to Jay; before bending down, and movie to kiss his neck softly. And god, did that make Jay moan. "Oh, fuck baby!"

Alex smirked as she heard Jay say that, well aware of the fact that he's enjoying what she's doing for him; and how she's teasing him right now, because he always loves the way she teases him, especially when she's sucking on his neck. Turning his head, Alex smiled as she leaned in and started to take things nice and slow with the man of her dreams. "God, I love you." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case. "And I love you, now I am really unsure as to what you want me to do right now." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, well aware of what he was trying to say. "Let me guess, you don't know whether you want to wear sweats as I wear this for you?" Jay looked at Alex as she said that. "I mean, I'm conflicted; I want to be sexy and loving with you..." Stepping close to Jay, Alex wrapped her arms around his waist; after which, she interrupted him. "Hey, look at me Jay." Jay agreed with Alex, before doing just that. "Jay, what we wear has nothing to do with you being sexy and loving with me. I love you, and feelings matter."

Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before bending down so that he could kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Jay smirked due to the fact that he was really happy right now. "God, I am such a lucky man to have you in my life." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, as she felt the same way. "And I'm a lucky woman to have you in my life. And I mean that." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before kissing her again. ."Now, are you wearing sweats? Or are you staying in this to match me?" Jay laughed as he heard Alex say that, as this was tempting. I mean, what man wouldn't want to take a chance to sit in bed while just wearing his boxers...as his wife wears lingerie for him. "God, this is so tempting!" Alex smiled as she heard Jay say that. "Baby, I'm wearing lingerie that's really tight; and that means that you can't get it off easily. Let's just wait and see. If you start wanting it, then you go put sweats on. Plus, I like this sight..." Alex said, while running her finger down his toned chest.

And god, now that was a real turn on; so much so, that Jay moved his hands to her cheeks and crashed his lips into hers. "So, fuckin', sexy!" Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, before moving her hands to the top of his chest and taking things nice and slow with him. "Listen, I love you Jay. Whatever you decide to do, I'm on board; because you're my husband, and the man I love more than anything in the entire world." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before smiling as he kissed her softly once again. "Then you stay here, and I am going to make us breakfast. But I think I will put some sweats on..." Jay said, as he walked away to go grab his sweats that he keeps in his dresser. "Because I have to take Max out, unless you trust our neighbors not to stare." Alex just looked at her husband as he said that. "Oh, I trust them. Because if you cheat on me, I just have to make a phone call to my dad; who's currently in Hawaii." Turning around to look at his wife, Jay was reminded of that the minute she mentioned it.

"Okay, I am never going to say that again; and I am not going to cheat on you, because I want to see my baby girl grow up." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, while also watching him put his sweats on; after which, Jay made his way back over to her so that he could kiss her one last time. After all, that was exactly what she wanted. 

She wanted to share a kiss with the man she loves, one last time; and then, he could go downstairs and make them some breakfast

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She wanted to share a kiss with the man she loves, one last time; and then, he could go downstairs and make them some breakfast. "Just come here you damn fool." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before making his way over to his gorgeous wife so that he could give her another kiss; wrapping his arms around her waist shortly after doing so, Jay smirked as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves softly. "You know that I'd never cheat on you, right Alex?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she knew that he'd never cheat on her, because she did. She knew that from the bottom of her heart. "I know that Jay, and I was just playing with you." Jay agreed with Alex, smiling at his wife.

"Just don't do it around your dad, okay?" Moving her hands to the back of Jay's head, Alex agreed as she stepped close to him; after which, she leaned in and kissed the man she loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you Jay Michael Halstead." Jay smiled as he heard Alex say that, as he felt the same way about his gorgeous wife; he loves her more than anything in the entire world, and he's proud to say it. "And I love you Alex, forever." Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that, just smiling as they both held each other close; after which, Jay wrapped his arms around her and just smirked due to the fact that he was really happy to be holding her in his arms right now. Running his hand up and down her back, Jay smirked as he bent down and kissed her shoulder softly. "See you soon." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before watching as he turned around so that he could go make them breakfast. Meanwhile, she went ahead and climbed back into bed. "Boxers when you come back up." Turning around, Jay looked at Alex.

"Really?" Alex smirked. "We'll just get too hot under the covers. And I want it, so I get it." Jay agreed with his wife as she said that, before making his way back over to her. Moving his hands to her hips, Jay smirked as he kissed her softly and just held her close. "Love you." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "Breakfast, now. Then boxers." Jay agreed with his sexy wife as she said that, stealing one last kiss before walking downstairs to get them breakfast this fine morning.

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