Comforting Cuddles (in a Hot Bath)

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It's the little things that make Gabby love her husband more than anything in the entire world, and this would be one of the little things that she loves; the way he makes them some of the most romantic baths in the entire world, right when she needs them the most. And that was something that she most definitely needs right now, a romantic bubble bath with the man of her dreams, which is something that Matt knew as he sat down on the edge of the bath and made sure that the bath water was warm enough for the both of them. But there's something else that he's making sure of, which is that the bubbles are perfect too; and that was just another thing that made Gabby smile, as she most definitely does love the fact that Matt is being so attentive to little details. Details that would seem so miniscule to others, but not to Matt; rather, they're big details that really matter, and need to be done correctly so that he can make Gabby happy. And that's why he made sure to take his time and get things right; while also waiting for Gabby to join him at the bath, because that's always what she does when they get ready to take a bath with each other.

She walks into the bathroom, wearing nothing but a towel (or a robe); after which, she made her way over to Matt so that she could let him know that she was in here with him. And that was because she didn't want him to worry, worry about whether she was okay; and why she was taking so long, not that she was taking long right now. And that was due to the fact that she was already here, and she was happy about that; for the simple fact that this gave her a chance to see something that she doesn't get to see all too often, her husband's back muscles. He really is a handsome man, and he is very muscular; and that most definitely is something that they both know she enjoys, which is why Gabby is currently in the midst of walking up behind her husband. After which, Gabby moved her hand to his back and rubbed it; at the same time, Gabby wrapped her arms around his neck while standing behind him. She then bent down and kissed the top of his head, which is something that she never gets a chance to do with Matt. Turning around to look up at Gabby, Matt smirked due to the fact that he loves the fact that she was just wearing this sexy bathrobe, which is always really hot.

Getting close to his beautiful wife, Matt smirked as he opened her bathrobe and then wrapped his arms around her naked body; at the same time, Gabby put her hands on his arms and smiled as she looked up at the man she loves. Bending down, Matt smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that they both want to do with each other. They want to hold each other close, and they want to make sure that they just take it easy with each other. "I can see that you like what I'm wearing." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, before bending down so that he could kiss her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the most beautiful woman in the entire world, and the love of his life; Matt just smirked due to the fact that this is everything that they both want to do right now, as it makes them feel better. Even though they're grieving right now, that doesn't mean that they don't want to just take it easy with each other. They want to hold each other close, and they want to make sure that they are both really happy with each other. And that most definitely is how they feel like right, extremely happy; and they also feel safe in each other's arms. "Is the bath ready?"

Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him whether the bath was ready. "But it's not ready for you to get in." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, unsure as to why it wasn't ready for her to get in. "Why isn't it ready for me to get in?" Matt smirked as he got close to the woman he loves, before wrapping his arms around her. "Because I need to take off my towel, and I need to get in the bath first." Laughing a bit, Gabby agreed with her husband; at the same time, Matt wrapped his arms around her nice and tight. Cuddling up to each other, Matt, and Gabby both smiled as they held each other close; at the same time, Matt kissed her forehead softly. "Listen, I'm going to...." Interrupting her husband, Gabby then proceeded to take off his towel; and that was why he stopped talking as he was really turned on. "Oh, such a tease." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, getting nice and close to him before moving her hands to his chest; meanwhile, Matt grabbed his towel and then went to set it downright next to the bath. After which, he looked at it to make sure that it wasn't in the water. "Perfect, right next to your towel." Gabby agreed with Matt, smiling at him.

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