The Start of Family Time

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Casey Headquarters – Floor 29: Primary Suite, Casey Penthouse
She wasn't expecting anybody to be in their room today, as she came out of the elevator with Andy (and some of their bags); which was the entire reason why Gabby didn't call, as she was hoping to take a minute to breathe and relax before she gets bombarded with others. But it turned out that was not going to be the case, as there were currently two people "I hope you know that I really appreciate you guys letting me do this today Camila, I know that Matt and Gabby are currently at their big house celebrating their anniversary..." Camila laughed as she heard Natalie say that. "You wanted to come here, and practice for a bit?" Natalie agreed with Camila as she asked her that. "I only have five months to learn everything I can, before I give birth to me and Will's son." That's when Gabby decided to mention that she was here. "Let me guess, you guys are currently in a fight right now; and that's why you decided to come here, and get some practice with my boys?" Turning their heads, Natalie and Camila were both surprised to hear Gabby.

"Gabriela, is everything okay?" Gabby agreed with her mom as she asked her whether everything was okay because it was. "Don't worry mom, everything's fine." Walking in with Andy's bed, Gabby carried it over to Matt's side of the bed (where he always sleeps) before smiling at her family. More specifically, she was smiling at Matteo; as he was the baby the Natalie was currently holding, as she sat down on Matt's side of the bed. "Hi Matteo. Yeah, you like cuddling up to Aunt Natalie." Gabby then proceeded to kiss his forehead and smiled at Natalie. "How are you feeling Natalie? Still having tough morning sickness, or is it finally done?" Natalie smiled. "Luckily, I'm finally past that." Camila then looked at her daughter. "Okay, back to what's going on. What are you doing here sweetheart? Is everything okay?" Gabby agreed with her mom as she asked her that because everything was fine. "Everything's fine mom. We were just missing the boys, and decided to come be with them; plus, Matt wants to be here too. We miss our sons." Camila agreed.

"Okay then, do you want me to do anything? I can move out of the bedroom and go back to my place; I've been staying here, because we've been taking care of the boys here." Gabby smiled as she heard her mom say that, as that was definitely something that she likes the sound of. "I would appreciate that, but not yet. Right now, I can smell some lasagna downstairs." Camila laughed. "Our homemade recipe, your father and Nancy are taking care of it." Gabby agreed with her mom as she said that. "Okay. Well, I can trust them both. Listen, can I trust you guys with Andy? I am going to get changed, and just take off some of my makeup; I forgot my makeup remover here, and I need to replace it at the big house. But yeah, we're going to be here tonight mom, and for the rest of the week." Camila agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Have a good anniversary last night?" Gabby smiled. "It was incredible, please remind Matt to put all of the leftovers in the fridge so that we can eat them." Camila agreed with her daughter as she said that. "Of course, sweetheart."

Gabby agreed with her mom as she said that, before walking into the bathroom so that she can go get changed and be comfortable. At the same time, Natalie turned to look at Camila. "Looks like I have no excuse to stay here anymore, but I appreciate all of the perspective that you gave me Camila." Camila agreed with the future mother as she said that, smiling at her. "It's my pleasure sweetheart, you can always come for advice whenever you want some; I mean, not like I'm busy other than being a grandmother." Natalie snickered a bit as she heard Camila say that, well aware that was the case. "I guess I just needed some perspective on everything, and how stupid this fight was." And it was as if someone just knew that it was time for someone else to come upstairs, and that would be Matt. "Oh god, what did Will do now?" Looking at her friend as he said that, Natalie smiled. "Hey, how'd last night go?" Matt smiled. "Things went really good, and I'm glad that we're going to be here right now." Natalie agreed with Matt.

"I'm just happy to be back with the boys." Making his way over to his dresser, Matt smiled as he went ahead and went to set some of his bags down. "is there any reason that you guys chose to come back and be with the boys?" Turning to look at Natalie as she asked him that, Matt smiled. "We just missed our little guys, and I wanted to spend tomorrow; all of tomorrow with them in case I need to work this week. However, I'm glad you're here...because I'm hoping that I can talk to you quick. I know that you're giving birth in May. And I know that this is asking a lot but..." Natalie smiled as she looked at her friend. "You want to have me there when Gabby gives birth?" Matt took a breath as he heard Natalie say that. "As much as I trust the doctors at the hospital, I would really appreciate it if we had somebody that we've known for a very long time there with us." Natalie agreed with Matt as he said that. "I promise, I'll talk to Will about it. Remember, I do need to consult my husband about it." Matt agreed with Natalie as she said that, smiling at her.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now