The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Lingerie

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Well, it turns out that Matt wasn't as predictable as Gabby thought that he would be right now; and that was due to the fact that Matt decided not to kiss her (and talk to her) in the bathroom. Rather, he grabbed her hand and led her out of the bathroom; as he would rather kiss her next to her bed, where they were going to talk. And that's because he knows that Gabby is still a bit tired, because she was slow as they tried to get a bit intimate with each other in the shower; not that he's not okay with that, as he understands why she's a bit slow. And that's due to the fact that she's pregnant with their daughters, and that's something that really puts a smile on his face. Just the fact that she's pregnant with their daughters, that's all he needs right now; literally, she could be in sweats, and he would still be happy. And that's something that he wants to make sure that Gabby knows, as he gets ready to hold her in bed today. But first, he wants to give her something as he turned around to face her at the side of their bed; and that was exactly what Gabby wanted.

Moving so that she was standing in between Matt and their bed, Gabby smiled as she leaned back (while also putting her hands on Matt's chest); meanwhile, Matt moved his hands to her back and stepped close to his beautiful wife. He then proceeded to lean in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, giving her a nice, slow kiss; just like she wanted this morning, and every single morning that she has a chance to get a kiss from him. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that she loves him, as he was more than aware that was the case; he just knows it based on the way that they look at each other, and the way that they take care of each other. And that starts with Matt moving his hand to the side of her neck, and bringing his beautiful wife close to him. Stepping close to his beautiful wife, Matt smirked as he leaned in and took things nice and slow with his beautiful wife. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her, because she knows that fact as well. "Three years, crazy."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to grab her hand. "I would have to agree, three amazing years; years that I am so grateful that I got a chance to spend with you, as your husband and the father of our children." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before stepping close to her and wrapping her arms around him; after which, Matt wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead softly. "What do you say we get you nice and comfortable in bed? Because we both know that I still need to go do something for you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "Or you can sit down in bed with me for a minute, and you can make it up to me." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that, well aware of what she was talking about. "Okay, I owe you that." Gabby agreed with Matt, before pushing him back a bit. "You think!" Moving close to Gabby again, Matt grabbed her hand and tugged her body against his chest; after which, he wrapped his arm around her and put his hand on her butt. Kissing her afterwards, he put her hand on his neck.

And let's just say that really turned Gabby on, because that was exactly what she wanted to have him do right now; she wanted to have her husband kiss her, and she wanted to take things nice and slow with him. And that's exactly what she's prepared to do with him right now. Take things nice and slow with the most amazing man in the entire world, who just so happens to also be the love of her life. "I love you Matt, and I'm so glad that we made it to three years." Taking a breath as Gabby said that, Matt knew exactly what she was talking about; she's thinking back to what they dealt with just over a year ago. "You still thinking of that fight at times?" Gabby shook her head as he asked her whether she thought about that fight at times, as she didn't; rather, she's looking forward and concentrating on their life now. Getting close to Matt, Gabby proceeded to wrap her arms around his neck and smiled as she looked at the most amazing man in the entire world; after which, Matt moved his hands to her back and smiled at his gorgeous wife today.

Leaning in, Matt smirked as he started to take things nice and slow with Gabby; and let's just say that she really enjoyed that. The way that they were taking things nice and slow with each other, and just making each other feel extremely loved, because that's what they feel for each other. They are madly in love with each other, and they're happy that this is what they're doing right now; getting a chance to show each other that they love one another, even if it's just by sharing this nice kiss that they're enjoying right now. "I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; I mean, what woman doesn't know that her husband loves her when they are so intimate with each other. And right now, they are always intimate with each other; mostly because she wants to be intimate with Matt, because her hormones are always racing. God, the way that Matt makes her feel; well, it's incredible...and it's the best thing in the entire world. And she can't wait to just relax in bed with him all day today.

"You ready to get in bed now Gabby?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she was ready to get in bed, as she most definitely was; she was ready to get in bed, and just cuddle up to her man. However, she knew that it wasn't time for her to cuddle up to Matt yet, as there was something that he had to do before he could get in bed with her; and that would be make them some breakfast, and she can live with that as long as he doesn't take too long. "Promise me something?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him to promise her something, as he most definitely will do that. "What is it?" Gabby smiled. "Let's not overdo it, I want to take it easy and relax with you; not have to worry at all, because I can just relax today. Last year, I was worried about my dad; and you went overboard, trying to distract me. You can make sure that you just take it easy, and you can relax; because you deserve to take it easy and relax for your sake too baby. After all, you work a lot now." Matt agreed with his beautiful wife, well aware that was the case.

But still, he loves Gabby more than anything in the entire world; and this is just one of the days that he can show her how much he really does love his life. There are three days in the year which he can do that: Valentine's Day, her birthday, and their anniversary; and since today is their anniversary, he's going to show her how much he loves her. "I can't promise anything, because I may have already made a plan for what I got you to go with breakfast." Gabby just looked at Matt as he said that, confused as she didn't know what he meant; but that didn't mean that Matt was going to explain, as he stepped close to her. Moving his hand to her neck, Matt smirked as he leaned in and kissed the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I gave you two of something with breakfast last year, think about that." Kissing Gabby again, Matt smiled as he went to (finally) help her in bed; which then led to Gabby getting comfortable, just as soon as she was sitting bed. After which, she realized what he was talking about.

"Three red roses?" Matt shrugged as he leaned over Gabby and kissed her again. "You'll have to find out when I'm upstairs again." Smiling as she put her hand on Matt's face, Gabby just shook her head as she already knew that he was getting her; after all, it's what he got her last year (and it's what she wants every year for the rest of their first decade or so of marriage).

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