No! Dad, Stop!

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of today's chapters so far? I hope that you guys are enjoying them and are ready for some more chapters. Thanks again for reading, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story. Now, let's get back to it. Enjoy.

Casey Home – She had to get up and go grab some more water herself, and that was okay; because she wanted to let Matt get what he needs right now, and that seemed to be some sleep (after he fell asleep in the middle of the movie). And god, that was really adorable; so much so, that she thought about just shutting off the TV and joining him in taking a nap on his chest. But first, she realized that she was quite thirsty...and that her water bottle was empty, which meant that she needed to go refill it. So, that's exactly what she did; she went downstairs, and filled up her water bottle. However, that might have been the biggest mistake she made today.

"No dad, stop! I said stop!"

Those words, the way he was saying those words; Gabby just knew instantly what was going on with her husband right now, and that was that he was having PTSD. And that was the last thing that Gabby wanted him to have right now, PTSD; especially not some that's as horrible as the PTSD that he's currently having, PTSD related to the times when his father molested him. When he was abused by his father, when his mother was abused by his father. It was just the worst sight in the entire world, especially since he was currently flailing; and trying to get free of someone's grip, which is what his father used to do. He used to hold him down as he did it.

"Dad, please! I promise..."

Setting her water bottle down, Gabby just looked at her loving husband horrified; and just feeling so bad for him. This is not what Matt deserves. .He doesn't deserve this. He never deserved to have to deal with this, and right's just horrible; she's just glad that Andy's there, trying to help him. After all, that was his job; his job is to help Matt when he has PTSD, and to jump on him. And that was what he was doing, but Matt was just too into it; that was, until Andy barked at him. And it seemed to work, but it didn't work completely, which meant that Gabby was needed. "Andy, come here boy; let me help." Turning his head, Andy agreed. After all, the dog knew that Gabby could help Matt just as much as he could; and she could do more, simply by kissing him and holding him. And that was exactly what Gabby was going to do, as she climbed into bed so that she could help Matt right now. Help him get out of his horrible situation that he finds himself him. Just crawling over to him, Gabby took a breath as she tried to calm him down.

"Dad, please!"

And that was when Gabby finally got close enough to help Matt, and just put her hand on his chest; that way, she could help Matt...just like she always promised him that she's do. She always promised Matt that she'd help him for the rest of her life, and that's what she's going to do now that she's here with him. But first, Matt just needs to wake up and come to. He needs to come to so that he can be present and concentrate on her. And luckily for her, that's exactly what Matt started to do; but she could also tell that he was dazed and confused at the moment, which was understandable. It always happens in the aftermath of Matt having PTSD, because it takes him a minute to come back to reality; for him to realize that it was just an episode of PTSD, and that he was okay. And now, with Andy and Gabby here; Matt is starting to realize that, and Gabby was glad that was the case as she sat down next to him on their bed. And as she sat there, she looked down at him with pure worry in her eyes; worry that Matt could clearly see as he looked up.

"What happened?" Taking a breath as Matt asked her what happened, Gabby just looked down at the man she loves; after which, she got up so that she could get in bed with him. And that was because she felt like she needed to be in bed with him and holding him as she talks to him about what happened. He needed that from her, because she was his wife; she needed her to comfort him and hold him close...because that's her role as his wife, to comfort and love her. "Matt, just do me a favor and take a breath okay? Maybe take some water and take a breather for a minute. I promise, I'm going to tell you what happened in a minute. But right now, you need to breathe and relax. Please, trust me when I say this." Looking at Gabby as she said that, Matt could tell that she was really worried about him; and that was the last thing that he wanted, especially since she doesn't need to worry while she's pregnant. And that's due to the fact that her worrying is something that can cause stress, which is not good for the pregnancy. "I trust you Gabby."

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