Quick Family Time

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of the turn that this story has taken so far? Are you guys happy that this is what's going to happen? Well, I hope you are; because that's what I plan on doing, and I can't wait to see what you guys think. But what's what might happen per the last two chapters will not be happening for a while, for a long time in fact based on the current timeline; and if we want to get there, then we need to keep this story going so that I can get this storyline further along. And then, we can also get to that point in the timeline; the point where Stella was their surrogate, and where they have five kids. But now, what do you say we do something a bit more romantic? Something like a romantic walk down the beach, maybe even a swim? Hope you enjoy readers.

Spanish Lesson: Yerno is son-in-law in Spanish.

They decided together that they were going to head out for a bit longer than they originally thought they would, and that was something that Matt actually had to tell their mothers; that they were going out for a while and would probably be back close to supper. But that would be a while, as Matt and Gabby want to do something else first. And that would go out and just be together for a while. And just what might that be? Well, that would be take a nice swim with each other; heck, maybe Andy might even join them in the water. But there are two little boys who are not going to be joining them, and those little boys would be Matteo and Noah; and that was something that he needed to tell their mothers, which he would do as soon as he interrupted their conversation. "Oh, I remember that. I know that was adorable, and I am so glad that they already did the baptism; the boys were adorable in those little robes." Camila agreed with Nancy as she said that, especially since she was the one that made the baptism gowns for her grandsons. "I'm still debating whether I want to make two new ones for their daughters as a surprise for them, or I should just let them decide."

Hearing Camila say that, Matt smiled due to the fact that he really likes that idea. "Camila, I think that would be something that me and Gabby would both really enjoy.": Turning around to look at her son-in-law as he walked into the kitchen with Andy, Camila smiled. "Really?" Matt nodded. "That way, each one of our kids can have one of their own baptismal gowns." Nancy agreed with Matt as he said that, liking that idea. "Well, I have to agree that would be something that you can do; and if you need help Camila, then I am more than open to helping to create them this time around." Matt smiled as he heard his mom say that, loving that idea. "I love that idea mom, and I am so glad that's going to be something that you do; and I'm also quite happy that you're helping Camila take care of the boys." Nancy laughed as she heard her son say that, well aware that was the case. "I love it as well, because it's so nice that I get to help with the grandsons each and every day; now, I can see that you're dressed right now. Is there a reason why?" Matt sighed as his mother asked him that. "Actually, there is a reason; and I would like to talk to you guys about it, as I need to let you guys know."

Camila agreed with her yerno, clearly able to see that he was a bit nervous to ask them something. "Matt, if this is what Gabby needs; then you can do whatever you need to do, and I will help." Nancy agreed with her friend, smiling at her son. "We will help you guys, as long as you need us; in fact, I still need to do something." Setting the baby food that she was feeding Noah on his tray, Nancy got up so that she could make her way over to her son; the mother still needing to give him a hug after the news, which is something that she still can't believe she hasn't done yet. But that was the truth, she's yet to give him a hug after the miscarriage; and that was something she didn't like. "I can't believe I haven't done this yet, but I don't think that I've given you a hug since you learned the news." Matt agreed with his mother as she said that, before moving to hug her. The two Caseys then proceeded to hold each other close, the mother still feeling horrible that her son even had to deal with this right now. This is the last thing that she wanted for him, especially when she wants to have as many grandchildren as possible. "Well, I am just glad that you guys are out of your room." Matt agreed.

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