Change of Plans: Let's Have Fun in Bed (or Not)

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of that last chapter? I have to say, I'm proud of how good that chapter came out; because it turned out that it was my longest chapter ever at almost 8,000 words, which is something that I hope to replicate in this chapter. So, what do you say we do that for you guys? Here we go with another chapter, and some more fun time. Enough serious stuff for now.

The funny thing is, Matt just got dressed for his beautiful wife before they had that conversation; and that was due to the fact that they thought that they were just going to take it easy and relax now, but that turned out not to be the case. But there was a reason for that, and that was Gabby's hormones, which is something that Matt was going to make clear to his wife, that she's the one that wanted this. He was all dressed, and ready to just hold her close in bed; but she's the one that asked him for some attention, which is the entire reason why he just had to get undressed again (not that he minds). But still, it'll be a good way to start this as he folds his pants up and set them down on top of his dresser, which is where they're going to stay for the rest of the day, because he's done with the back-and-forth of dressed and undressed. Now, he's going to stay in his boxers, he's sure that Gabby is going to love that idea. In fact, he knows that she's going to love that idea; based simply on the way she's look at him right now, as he takes off his pants.

But rather than just staring at him, she was specifically staring at his boxers, which he knows that she wants him to take off, but he's going to take his time. He's going to just go slow with Gabby, because that's what she needs to do right now, take things nice and slow with her. But first, he just needs to make that clear to Gabby. That they're just going to take it slow, as they have fun with each other today; they aren't going to push it, and they're just going to let things happen nice and slowly. And he thinks that Gabby is really going to like that idea, but he still needs to ask her, which he planned on doing as he walked up to his dresser once more, so that he can put some cologne on. "So, I was thinking....." Looking up at Matt as she finished putting her sweats in her side table drawer (so that she was just wearing her lingerie), Gabby smiled as she wanted to know what he was thinking. "I think I'm done the whole getting dressed and stripping down all the time. If you want me, then I am staying in boxers all day today. We can just be like this today."

Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, as she really liked that idea. "I have to say, I do really like that idea." Turning to look at his beautiful wife as he put some cologne on, Matt smirked due to the fact that he had a feeling that she liked that idea. "I had a feeling that you were going to say that, because you always love it when I'm just wearing my boxers." Giving Matt a bit of side eye, Gabby just shook her head as he was starting to get a little cocky right now. "Calm down Mr. Casey, you're starting to get cocky." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, well aware that was the case. "Oh shut up, you like it when I'm cocky." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I do, because it means that you flirt with me; but mostly, I love your warm heart. And I especially love the way you treat me." Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, well aware that was the case. "I know that baby, and it's why I treat you the way you do; I treat you this way, because I know that you like it." Gabby smiled, and just agreed with her man.

"God, you are really making you want me more and more by the minute; so you better be coming over here Mr. Casey." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he was definitely making his way over to her; after all, he wants to hold her in his arms just as much as she does. She wants to be in his arms right now, and he wants to have her in his arms; I mean, have you seen just how sexy his wife is? She's do damn sexy, and he's so proud to have the ability to call her his wife. "I hope you know that I plan on holding you in my arms for the rest of the day, and that you aren't going to be able to leave my arms..." That's when Matt finally did exactly what Gabby wanted him to do, get close to her so that she can reach him; and the truth was, Matt was quite happy that he was there too. And that was due to the fact that it meant that he now had the ability to move his hands all over this nice garment that she's currently wearing, which is so damn sexy; his wife is so damn sexy, and that's just a fact. And while he loves the lingerie, it doesn't make him love Gabby.

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