Confrontation...and Labor?

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Hi Readers: No, you aren't dreaming. You are getting a fourth chapter today, and I am so glad that's the case because I love writing for you guys. Now, what do you say we keep going with this journey. Enjoy my dear, loyal readers.

She ended up having to move for a bit, ahead of the board meeting that she was going to attend (and co-chair) with Matt this morning; a meeting where she was going to have to see her friend, a friend whom she is not really ready to speak to right now. Not when she's in trouble with her. But there are times where a woman needs to just get out and go to the washroom. And unfortunately, this was one of those times; and it was due to the fact that she was pregnant, which means that she had to go to the washroom. And at first, Matt wanted to go with her; but she told him that she'd be fine, and that she would be right back. But little did Gabby know that there would be a little problem that would delay her getting back; and that problem would be her best friend, whom she's not on the best of terms with at the moment for reasons that you understand. "Hey, I haven't seen you yet today." Looking up, Gabby sighed. "Yeah, there was a reason for that." Stella took a breath as she heard her best friend say that, not really liking the tone she's getting.

At the same time, Gabby washed her hands to try and stay calm. "Okay, you can calm things down." Turning to look at Stella as she said that, Gabby was shocked. "Are you serious? I can calm down? Stella, did you forget the phone call we just had this morning?" Stella sighed as she looked at her best friend. "Gabby, it was something stupid. How was I supposed to..." Gabby just looked at her best friend. "No, you don't get to play dumb like this again, because you know who Christie was. You know who Christie is, she's Matt's sister." Stella sighed as she heard Gabby say that. "I know. But that doesn't mean you have to be all mad at me." Gabby looked at Stella as she said that, a bit shocked. "I don't get to be mad at you? Stella. You basically told my sister-in-law to fuck off when it came to marketing!" Stella laughed. "Gabby, she doesn't know shit about..." Gabby shook her head. "Stella, she has bachelor's degree in marketing! We don't have degrees, well you don't." Stella just looked at Gabby as she said that. "And you do?" Gabby agreed.

"Yes, I went to college unlike you. I had to do it so that I could become a paramedic!" Stella was a bit nervous as she heard her best friend say that. "Oh." Gabby agreed. "And then I went to the fire academy, so I have more to my name that just my husband's money! Stella, I thought we were friends. Do you really need to make things this hard for me while I'm pregnant?" Gabby then proceeded to go grab some of the moisturizer that they have in here for the ladies. "I'm making things hard? Maybe if you  got back to me, you could've taken care of the marketing. I'm kind of busy right now, you know." Turning to look at Stella, Gabby was shocked. "Excuse me, you did not just compare how busy YOU are to how busy I AM." Stella laughed. "Oh, and you're busier?" Gabby looked at her best friend. "I'm getting ready for another set of twins, trying to wrap things up for you for the new year, I have twin boys, and I have a husband with PTSD." Stella looked at her best friend. "Uhm, me too." Gabby groaned. "Seriously, you can't compare!"

Stella just laughed. "Really? I can't compare!" Gabby just looked at her best friend. "Yeah, last time I weren't in charge of the entire company, like my husband is!" Stella then proceeded to go walk up to her friend. "Well maybe if you'd let us help!" Turning to look at her best friend. "Stella, this isn't something you can just help. Stay in your lane and do what I say." Stella just looked at Gabby as she said that. "Really? That's how I'm going to be treated?" Taking a breath, Gabby tried to concentrate on her breathing right now. "You know what, I am not taking this...and I am going to take the high road. We have to work today, and we can fix things when we're in a better place." Gabby then proceeded to walk away, as this is the last thing that she needs to worry about; but apparently, Stella didn't feel the same way. Rather, she wanted to talk; so much so, that she grabbed her arm and tugged her back into the bathroom. "Hey, stay here." Unfortunately, what Stella just did was not the best idea; especially since it made Gabby fall.

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