Post-Supper Cuddle Time

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Hi Readers: I still want to apologize for the big delays in between chapters, but I seem to always write my best at the end of the day; so please be patient with me. I will promise you to try and get one out during the day, but then I will do a blitz at night since I always thrive at night; so, I hope that you guys like this new update schedule. Thanks again for reading, and here's the next chapter.

She was glad that they just had something simple for supper, because it was exactly what she needed. She just needed something easy, which was exactly what mac and cheese is; it's something easy, that goes down quite easily. And she was grateful that Matt decided to make it, even though it was something that it was a bit childish. Then again, Gabby feels like that's the reason why she likes it so much; because it's something childish, and it makes her smile. And that's what she needs to do right now, she needs to do whatever she can to smile; especially when she's in this sad time, a sad time which is about to become a bit of sexy time too. Because at the end of the day, Gabby loves to do that with her loving husband, who just so happens to be in the midst of walking up behind her in their primary suite bathroom, just wearing the tight boxers that she loves more than anything. And she can only assume that he's doing that on purpose, because he knows what it does to her; and that's make her smile, and that's what he wants to do.

Especially since they aren't where they originally though they were going to be tonight, their family home; if you forgot, their original plan was for them to go to their family home. But that changed after they got the news that they got, and there was a reason for that; that reason being that they still want to be close to the boys, even if they aren't taking care of them right now. And that was more than okay with their family because they realize that it's what they need right now; especially when Gabby is having a hard time just looking at herself in the mirror and putting her hands on her stomach. And one of her hands is on a specific part of her stomach, because it's where their baby boy should be growing inside of her. "If you want to wear a shirt tonight, then I understand." Turning around to look at the man she loves, Gabby took a breath as that wasn't even something that she was thinking about; rather, she wants to stay like this, because she knows that it means that she'll get his hands all over her. And that's what she wants now.

She wants to feel her husband's hands all over her, because that's the only way that he can really show her loved right now (other than by kissing her); and that's what she wants, she wants to feel Matt kiss her (while also running his hands all over her body). "No, I want to wear this." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before walking up to her; turning to face Matt as he walked up to her, Gabby smiled as she leaned back against the counter and then put her hands on his chest. Moving his hands to Gabby's hips this evening, Matt brought her close because he knows that this is what she needs right now; she needs him to hold her and give her comfort. And that's why he just decided to wrap his arms around her and get close to her. Wrapping her arms around his back shortly afterwards, Gabby took a breath as she got close to him; prompting Matt to press his lips to her forehead softly afterwards, the couple held each other close as the news that they got today has really been starting to hit them. And that was obvious to Matt now.

The reason? He finally felt like the had permission, and the ability to cry; and that's something that he's needed to do for a while, he's needed to cry and just let some of his emotions out. So much so, that Gabby was a bit taken aback when she saw that he was crying. "Hey are you crying." Matt took a breath as he heard Gabby ask him that, before trying to hide his emotions. "No, I'm okay." Looking up at her husband, Gabby could tell that wasn't the case. "Matthew." Matt sighed as he heard Gabby say his full name, which could only mean that she knew that he was in fact crying; because he was, and it actually felt good to get out some of the emotions that he's been dealing with since they got the news. "Hey, are you okay Matt?" Matt sighed as Gabby asked him whether he was okay, because he was okay; but maybe not entirely, he just has a lot of emotions right now. And that's why he had to cry a bit. And it's also why he's holding her so close (while also kissing her forehead softly). "Listen, I need to brush my teen so that we can get in bed."

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