Meet Emily Jones

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the extended delay between the last chapter and this chapter, but I decided to do some planning with regards to what's going to happen in this story, which is something that every author needs to do at times. And since I am the author of the story, you need to just let me do that at times. And one of those things that I have decided to do, is introduce a new character. I have decided to introduce a new love interest for Antonio...and I hope that you guys like the new character that I am going to create. Thanks for reading.

Home of Emily Jones, Kapolei, Hawaii – To say that the corporate executive was happy to get out of the city, well that was an understatement; especially since it meant that he had a chance to get away from work, or so he thought. For some reason, even if he's away from the office; he still finds himself wanting to get on his laptop, and work at times. And that's something that his brother-in-law probably really loves, but his new girlfriend most definitely doesn't love. And there was a reason for that, and that was due to the fact that she told him that she was going to the gym with some of her girlfriends; and was going to be coming home shortly after having lunch with them, and he was going to stay here. And that was something that Antonio was more than okay with, because he wanted to spend time with his girlfriend; the girlfriend that he's yet to introduce to the rest of his family, because he wants to make sure that it's someone that he can trust. And let's just say that is really starting to bother his girlfriend of three weeks, which is one of the reasons that his girlfriend actually didn't want him to go to the gym with her; because they're in the midst of a fight.

And that was the reason that Antonio decided to stay here, because he wanted to work things out; he can't explain why he wants to stay, but he wants to work things out...because he thinks that there's something about his girlfriend Emily, that will allow him to find happiness again; something that he hasn't had for years but is going to have to work about. But now, he thinks that they need to talk; and they have the ability to do just that, since he just finished something for Matt...and he e-mailed it to him. He just hopes that Emily will let him speak to her, and not shut him out; because that's a mistake that he make in the past when he was still married to Laura, they didn't talk...and that ruined their marriage. But now, he wants to make a difference in his relationship with Emily; something that he hopes to start doing right now, since he's spending the day with her rather than his daughter (not that she wanted to spend the day with him anyways). And there was a reason for that, a reason that was the same as his; turns out that Eva has a boyfriend, whom he's yet to meet. But he told her that if she wants to invite him to Christmas, then he has to meet him first. But that's not right now.

Rather, what's going to happen right he's going to set his laptop down in his bag so that he can get away, just after he speaks to his girlfriend Emily. Walking out of the backyard after she got back from the gym, Emily took a breath as she saw Antonio put his laptop away. "Did you seriously just finish your work now?" Looking up at his girlfriend, Antonio took a breath as he knew that she was mad based on the tone of her voice; and that was something that he hated, because he knew that this wasn't something that he wanted her to worry about...especially since he didn't want to get into a fight with her, not when he has a chance to be here for the rest of the week (since their meetings are cancelled). But right now, he needs to talk to Emily. "I can see that you're still mad at me." Zipping up his laptop bag shortly after putting it away, Antonio took a breath as he then picked it up off the ground; putting it on the table shortly afterwards, Antonio looked at Emily (who was currently in the midst of looking at his shirtless chest)...which she loves.

God, the way that they have sex with each other; it's just perfect, and he's so glad that they have this type of chemistry. But right now, that's not what they need to think about; rather, he needs to concentrate on something else...and that would be fix his relationship with Emily, whom he can only hope will understand; especially when it's going to explain why he was so quiet the night before (when he came over). "Sorry, I was just doing something for my boss." Emily just looked at Antonio when he said that. "You mean, working? Were you working?" Antonio sighed as he looked at Emily as she said that, because he was working (but you already knew that). "Emily, let me explain." Emily then proceeded to walk away, not happy. "Emily..." Antonio then proceeded to grab his laptop bag so that he can bring it inside, and just leave it in her bedroom; where it's going to stay for the rest of the day, because he doesn't want to make her mad any longer. He wants to spend time with her, and he just wants to relax with her, which he needs to do.


Coming into the bedroom where he and Emily stayed last night, Antonio sighed as he could just tell that she wasn't happy right now. "Antonio, I thought we agreed that we would try and work on our relationship; you know that I'm already mad at you, because I've yet to meet your family. Do you really think that I want you to work, when I want to keep talking about the fact that I want to meet your family? Sure, I've met Eva...and I love that I've met your daughter. But you keep talking about how you're such a close family..." Antonio agreed with Emily as she said that, before going to speak to her. "And I want to do the same, but you need to understand." Turning around as she looked at her boyfriend, who was currently setting his laptop down next to his side of the bed; Emily took a breath as she looked at him. "What do I need to understand? Are you scared that your sister isn't going to approve of me because I'm this low-level government person?" Antonio was shocked as he heard Emily say that, as that was not the truth. "Hey."

Getting up, Antonio took a breath as he looked at his girlfriend; the woman that he does want to introduce to his family, but she just needs to understand what's going on. "Emily, remember how I said that I've been trying to talk to you about it? I want to talk about this because you need to understand some things. It's why I'm here, so that we can work this out; and because you need to understand my past, when it comes to relationships with me." Emily was confused as she looked at her boyfriend, before watching as he walked up to her; after which, she felt Antonio wrap her arms around his and just took a breath. Putting her hands on Antonio's arms, Emily looked up at the man she finds herself falling for; after which, she took a breath and just looked at him. "Antonio, I'm confused. There's so much that you're trying to tell me, and I don't even understand some of it." Antonio agreed with Emily as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I know." Antonio then proceeded to grab her neck and put his hand on her neck.

"Emily, please...we need to talk and you need to understand what's going on, because there's a lot. You need to understand things that are going on in my family. We need to speak about things that I've done to my sister, and how I've hurt her; and how I've caused her pain, just in the past year while she was pregnant with my nephews. Please, you need to at least let me explain that." Looking up into her boyfriend's eyes, Emily didn't get why she saw something there; but the truth is, she could see something there. She could see that Antonio meant that, and she knew that he had to tell him. "Okay, I understand that we need to talk about it." Antonio agreed with Emily as she said that, before getting close to her; after which, he smiled as he kissed her forehead and just held the woman he has strong feelings for. He then looked down into her eyes, and smiled as he kissed her softly. Taking things slow with her, he smiled. "I'm sorry for the fight we had." Emily agreed with Antonio as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know." Antonio smiled.

"Want me to go make you breakfast? Then you can take a shower?" Emily smirked as she heard her boyfriend ask her whether she wants him to go make breakfast, because there's something else that she wants him to do first. "How about we do something else first?" Antonio smirked as he heard Emily say that, loving that idea; after which, he proceeded to wrap his arms around her and smirked as he proceeded to get nice and close to the woman he wants to take a shower with. "Let's go take a shower gorgeous." Emily agreed with Antonio as he said that, smirking as that's exactly what she wants to do. After which, she went to wrap her arms around his neck and just held him close. "How about you go start the shower for us, and I'll be right in." Emily agreed with Antonio as he said that, before smirking as she went to walk away so that she can go start the shower; at the same time, Antonio let out a sigh so that he can get ready for the shower. "Can we talk in the shower?" Turning to look at Antonio, Emily agreed. "Let's work this out now."

Antonio smiled, agreed with his girlfriend as she said that; after all, he's more than ready to do just that. Walking into the bathroom, Emily walked in so that she can go start the shower; at the same time, Antonio proceeded to walk over to his side of the bed so that he can go get undressed (and then he'll be able to join her in the shower). After all, that's what he and Emily need right now; he needs to get in the shower with her, and they need to talk. That way, they can figure things out; and they can just calm things down. After all, that's what they both want. Antonio just knows for a fact that Emily wants to work this out, and she wants to make sure that they figure things out; and that starts with him taking off his shorts (as well as his boxers) and going to grab his towel, which he had next to their bed. After which, he proceeded to wrap it around his waist and just smirked as he got ready to join the woman he wants to really have a nice relationship with; the woman he hopes to (someday) introduce to his family, including his twin nephews.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now