Christmas Plans 2019, Part One

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this second chapter out to you guys, but I had to do some things today: I had an interview today, as well as some chores to do; oh, and I had to put some things for sale recently. So, I had a bunch today; but I do plan on trying to get two more chapters out for you, starting with this one. Hope that you guys like it and are enjoying this story. Thanks again for reading, and I'm sorry once again for the constant delays in getting chapters out. I hope that chapters, but we'll see.

"Or we can talk about Christmas again." -Alex Halstead

It was clear to Jay the minute Alex said that, that she still had a lot on her mind when it comes to what they want to do for Christmas; including whether or not they want to invite her father to join them, on the twins' first Christmas. And Jay understood why that would be the case, based on the history that Hank and Alex have had in the past couple months; and as you know, that history isn't pretty. Yet, Alex still seems to be open to inviting him down for Christmas; so that the kids can celebrate Christmas with their entire family, including their grandfather. But there are just a lot of considerations, especially when it comes to the logistics of him coming down for Christmas; because there's on thing that Jay already knows, and a firm decision that he's already made for the both of them. In fact, it was a condition of Hank coming down; if they decide to invite him, then there's no way that he's staying here with them. As much as he loves Alex, and the relationship that she has with Hank; their relationship isn't what it once was, and that's a factor in this situation.

He doesn't want Hank to bring the stress that he has in Chicago, down here to Hawaii; the place where he's so relaxed, and truly has found happiness. How he feels here compared to how he felt in Chicago is like night and day, and he can see that it's made a world of a difference in how Alex is as well. And speaking of Alex, she's still trying to get Jay to answer her question; as they laid down in bed, facing each other this morning. "So, is there a reason why you haven't answered my question yet?" Sighing, Jay moved close to Alex so that he could hold her close to him; after which, he decided to wrap his arm around her back and tug her body against his chest his chest this morning. And let's just say that Alex really likes that feeling, because it was great; it was so comfortable, and very sexy (for the both of them). After all, Alex is just wearing a bra (but he wishes she wasn't). "God, I wish you weren't wearing a bra." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that. "I know you do, but that's not what you need to concentrate on right now Mr. Halstead." Jay agreed, smiling.

"Maybe after we talk about it, you can change into a tank top?" Alex laughing, agreeing with Jay. "On the condition that we go back to this question first, the question that is pressing." Propping his head up with his hand, Jay was confused as to why it was a pressing question. "Okay, I'm going to play dumb here for a second; but why exactly is it a pressing question?" Alex sighed as Jay asked her why it was a pressing question. "Because we need to tell my dad, so that he can make the bookings; and so that he doesn't send the gifts in the mail and brings them instead. I'm thinking about my dad, and how it'll work for him." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Right, that makes sense." That's when Alex decided to slip out of bed so that she could get changed for Jay, while they still talk about this. "Hey, where are you going?" Alex sighed. "I'm going to get changed, because you made me realize that I'm not that comfortable in a bra. God, I hate how engorged I am right now." Jay smirked as he heard Alex say that. "I don't."

Turning around to look at her husband, Alex just made her way over to her dresser so that she could grab a tank top. "Careful before I go get changed in the bathroom." Sitting up in bed, Jay leaned back against his pillow while looking at his beautiful wife. "Yeah, we'll see how long that threat stays." Alex was confused as she heard Jay say that, before finding a nice tank top that she can wear; one that she actually likes and is nice and soft. Oh, and that isn't see through. God, she made that mistake once while she was in the hospital; she wore a white tank top, and it got all wet (from the milk). And that meant that she was revealed to both her husband, as well as some of the male doctors that work in the NICU. "Yeah, you're right." Going to take off her bra for Jay (in front of him), Alex smirked as she could see that he loves the sight of her not wearing a bra. "I can only imagine that you love the sight of me not wearing a bra." Jay agreed with Alex as she asked him whether he likes the sight of her not wearing a bra, as he most definitely does like the sight.

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