The Caseys Celebrate Three Years: Three Red Roses, Part Two

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She was still in the midst of smelling the beautiful roses that Matt brought upstairs for her, and she really means it when they are gorgeous; Matt really went over the top, and he is just the best husband and the entire world. And for Matt to get fresh roses, well that's even better; and she is so proud to call Matt her husband, and that she's going to be able to call him her husband for the rest of her life. But he's not just her husband, he's also the father of her children; and that's another title that she loves, which was the entire reason that Gabby was wearing this lingerie that she was wearing right now. The lingerie that she was in the midst of adjusting, to make sure that she was comfortable in bed; but she wasn't going to do it alone now that Matt was back in their room. "Gabby?" Hearing Matt walk into their room (and call out for her), Gabby then went to tell him just where she was right now. "In the bathroom baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before coming to join her in the washroom; and let's just say that he loves the sight.

The sight of his wife, standing at the counter in some sexy maternity lingerie (which he was enjoying). "God, now if this isn't a nice sight?" Looking up at the man of her dreams, Gabby smirked due to the fact that she is so in love with Matt; and that was why she was currently in the midst of wearing this lingerie right now, because she wanted to tease the man she loves. "What do you think?" Matt smiled as he heard Gabby ask him what he thinks of the lingerie, because she already knows that he likes it; and he will always love the sight of her in lingerie, which was the entire reason why he was in the midst of walking over to her right now. That way, he could wrap his arms around her; and hold her close to him. "God, I am so glad that we have the next four days alone." Gabby was a bit confused as she heard Matt say that. "Four days?" Matt agreed. "Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. The boys are going to daycare on Monday, and we are going to pick them up after work." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at him.

"But that's not what we're going to concentrate on, because I am much more interested in concentrating on this right now; this gorgeous lingerie, which I love more than anything in the entire world." Smirking as she heard Matt say that, Gabby watched as he moved his hands to her hips; after which, he bent down and kissed her shoulder softly. "Oh baby." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby moan for him, because that was something that he always wants to hear; his gorgeous wife moaning for him, as they held each other close. "You happy that this is what we're in the midst of doing right now?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her that, smirking due to the fact that this really is everything that she wants; after which, he proceeded to move his hands to the lingerie that she was wearing for him right now. After which, he proceeded to run his hands all over her body. "God, I am such a lucky man; and I really don't deserve you pleasing me like this." Gabby shook her head, before smiling at her husband in the mirror. "Help me?"

Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him to help her, which he most definitely wants to do. "I will always help you put this on, and I will also help you take it off each and every time that you wear it." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know that, and I'm glad that you're ready to do that; because you most certainly are going to be taking it off tonight, because I think I might want to have some attention from my husband." Matt agreed with Gabby as he started to do up her lingerie, before going ahead with making sure that it was just tight enough for her; but that didn't mean that he was tugging it too tight, as he didn't want to hurt her. Rather, he wanted to make sure that she was comfortable in the lingerie, and not hurting right now. And boy is Gabby glad that was the case, as it just reassured her that Matt was the right man for her to love. "God, I am such a lucky woman." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, smiling at her. "No, I'm a lucky man who loves you more than anything." Gabby agreed with Matt.

Meanwhile, Matt continued to do up the lingerie that she was wearing for him this morning; hoping to get it done up as quick as possible, he just made sure that he concentrated on the task at hand (rather than Gabby in the mirror). "I swear, you are really distracting me at times when you look this sexy in this lingerie." Gabby snickered as she felt Matt tug the strings halfway up her back, which means that he's halfway done his task. "Oh, don't lie and say that you don't like this lingerie; and aren't excited to run your hands all over my body today." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, as he most definitely was ready to run his hands all over her. "What do you think Gabby? I'm always excited to hold you in my arms, and making you feel so damn loved." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, as he loves her more than anything in the entire world; after all, what's better than the feeling of her man holding her in his arms (which is exactly what Matt plans on doing for his wife today). "I know that's what you're going to do today baby."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as he most definitely does plan on holding her in his arms all day; and that's due to the fact that it's something that they both want to do. "You know, we also have a lot of recordings to catch up on; especially one from last week that's still sitting there, and that we both know that you want to watch." Gabby smiled as Matt reminded her of that recording that she really wants to watch, the recording that they made of the 2019 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade from New York City. "I know, we still need to watch it." Matt smiled as he heard Gabby say that, with the hopes that he can convince her to watch the parade first; rather than going straight into the Christmas movies. "What do you think of us watching that first?" Gabby smiled as Matt asked her whether they can watch the parade first (indirectly), before turning around to face him; after which, she leaned back against the counter and motioned for Matt to get close to her. "Come here handsome." Matt agreed with Gabby, smirking at his beautiful wife.

After which, he proceeded to put his hands on her stomach as they both stood close to one another; at the same time, Gabby wrapped her arms around his neck (holding Matt as close as she possibly can in the process). Meanwhile, Matt leaned down and went ahead to kiss the woman he loves softly. Taking things nice and slow with his gorgeous wife, Matt smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that they both want right now; they want to take things nice and slow with each other, as they show each other that they love each other more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smiling as he proceeded to kiss her once again; moving his hand to her neck, Matt smirked as he continued to take things nice and slow with his beautiful wife this morning...who just so happens to be the woman of his dreams, and the love of his life. "I love you so much, and I am so glad that you're feeling better." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before moving to hug him. "All thanks to you."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving her hands to her arms. "Come out with me, I have one of your first gifts out on the bed." Gabby was confused as she heard Matt say that, unaware of what he was talking about. "What are you talking about baby?" Matt smiled as he put his hand out for her. "Trust me?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her whether she trusts him, because she most certainly does; and she'll always trust him, for the rest of her life. "Always baby." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before getting close to her once again and leaning in to kiss her once again. After which, he proceeded to lead her out of the washroom so that he could give her one of the gifts that he got for her; something that he's been waiting to show her for over a year now.

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