Change of Plans: Let's Go Have Family Time

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They decided to switch things up. Switch up their entire plans. And that was because it was time for them to go be something that they love being, because it would also help Gabby calm down. Her hormones would go down, because she's going to concentrate on something else; more specifically, someone else. Or a couple people to tell you the truth because they really do want to be with them. And I think you already know just who those boys might be, as it's Matteo and Noah. Right now, they need to relax; and they need to concentrate on their boys, while also spending some time at a place where they are going to start spending a lot more time in. And that would be the penthouse because it's where they all want to be right now. And Gabby is truly grateful that Matt is okay with them going there because it's where she feels like she needs to be; and that's all Matt needed to know to make his decision, because he wants his wife to be where she wants to be (and not where he wants her to be). He wants her to be with their sons, as he does too.

He just hopes that Gabby isn't stressing out about how she changed her plans, which she is as he walked into the bathroom. Looking at his beautiful wife as she stood at the mirror, Matt smirked due to the fact that Gabby looks absolutely beautiful right now; and he's really happy that they are going to do this. They are going to go be with their family. Just walking into their room, Matt smirked due to the fact that this is exactly what they both want to do right now; and he was also smirking, because Gabby looks really sexy in the nice clothes that she was wearing right now. "I have to say, I love the sight of this tight dress on you." Looking up at Matt as he said that, Gabby smiled due to the fact that she was glad that was the case. After which, Matt smirked as he walked up behind his beautiful wife; moving his hands to her hips shortly afterwards, Matt smirked as he bent down and proceeded to kiss her shoulder softly. "Hi beautiful." Looking up at the man she loves, Gabby took a breath as she looked at Matt as she thought he would be mad about this.

Moving his hands to her shoulders, Matt started to give her a massage. "Hey. Take a breath and just relax. What's going on babe?" Turning around to face Matt, Gabby stepped close to him and just held him close. "I just hope that you aren't mad at me." Confused as to why he'd be mad at Gabby, Matt moved his hand to her neck and stroked her cheek with his thumb; after which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly. "Hey, look into my eyes." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that. "Gabby don't feel bad; I am not mad at you, and I want you to know that I love you more than anything in the entire world. And I want to please you. And if that means that we go spend time with the kids, then that's exactly what we're going to do; plus, I miss the boys too. I want to go see my boys crawling." Gabby smirked as she heard Matt say that, as she really loves the sight of that. The two of them watching their sons crawl for the first time, which is something that they are both going to enjoy the sight of. "God, I love the idea of seeing that."

Matt smirked as he moved his hand to her neck and then stroked her cheek, after which she leaned in and kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smirked due to the fact that this is exactly what they both want to do. They both want to go spend time with their boys, at the penthouse. And that's exactly what they're on their way to do right now, they're going to go be with their boys; they're going to be with their sons, and they're going to just spend a bunch of quality time with each other. "We're going to have a bunch of fun with each other, and our sons. I promise." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before moving to put her hands on his chest; at the same time, Matt moved his hands to her chest and just smiled as they both held each other close. And let's just say that Gabby felt the same way, because she was really happy right now. "Listen, let's get out of here; I'm ready to go be with the boys, and have time with them." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling as she turned around in Matt's arms.

"Help me first?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before moving to grab the zipper. He then proceeded to do it up, because that's exactly what he needs to do; he needs to help her get dressed, so that they can both head to the office. "Matt, can I ask you something?" Matt agreed with Gabby. "Of course, you can always ask me stuff." Gabby smirked. "Can you promise me that you aren't going to go to the office too much. I know that you might want to go but..." Moving to turn Gabby around in his arms, Matt stepped close to his wife and put his hands on her hips; after which, Matt smiled as he felt her put her hands on his chest. After which, Matt leaned in and kissed her softly. "Baby, it's the weekend. I'm not CEO Matthew Casey right now. I'm daddy." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, loving that idea; after which, she wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to kiss him. At the same time, Matt moved his hands to her back and smiled as they took things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything.

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