An Anniversary Walk to Remember

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Sorry for the delay in getting this out to you guys. Got caught up doing some story planning, rather than writing.

Walking down the path that led them from their home, and towards the beach; Gabby smirked as she was currently holding Matt's hand, with their fingers intertwined. And that truly was exactly what they both wanted to do right now. They wanted to hold each other close,, as they walked with each other (and Andy). They wanted to have fun, and just spend the day together; however, that's just while they're outside. Matt and Gabby both know that they're not going to be spending much time outside, as they have plans that they'd like to get back to when they're home. Plans that they are both going to enjoy together, simply because they're going to do them together. Some of those things are (of course) related to what Gabby is wearing, that nice, tight dress that she's wearing for him right now; a dress that he, and only he is going to be taking off later. And that was something that he was going to make crystal clear to his wife, as he wrapped his arm around her waist and put his hand on her butt. "I love this dress by the way."

Gabby laughed as she heard Matt say that, before wrapping her arm around his back; at the same time, Matt turned his head and proceeded to kiss the top of her head. And let's just say that Gabby absolutely loved it when he did that, as it's the most intimate thing that he can do when they're walking together; side-by-side, while holding each other close. Most of the time though, they're holding each other's hands with their fingers intertwined, which is exactly what she's trying to tell Matt that she wants him to do. She wants him to grab his hand, and she wants him to intertwine their fingers. And luckily for her, he finally got the message as he soon grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers (as she wanted him to do). "Thank god you finally did that; I was starting to think that you weren't getting the message that I want you to grab my hand." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, having seen her frustration. "I could tell that you were starting to get bit frustrated, and that was why I made sure to grab your hand the moment I got a chance."

Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, stroking his hand with their fingers intertwined in the process; at the same time, she also wrapped her arms around his bicep and laid her head down on his arms. And let's just say that Matt was happy that she did that, as he's always happy when she lays her head down on his arms. It gives him this warm feeling of closeness in his heart, which is not something that he felt when they were apart last summer; in fact, he felt a million miles away from his wife (and not just due to the fact that she was in Puerto Rico at the time). "Is it just me or is this the closest we've been to each other in a while." Turning to look at Matt as he said that, Gabby was confused as she didn't understand what he meant. "What are you talking about baby?" Turning to look at his wife, Matt smiled. "Because last time I checked, we're always close to each other as we cuddle in bed." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I don't mean physically baby." Gabby agreed with Matt.

After which, she continued to walk down the path to the beach; after all, she did want to walk with him and Andy on the beach. "I'm talking about emotionally. I just feel like we're so in sync recently, and I'm really happy that's the case." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, feeling the same way with regards to how close they feel with each other. "I feel the same way, and I am so glad that you feel that way. I was starting to get worried that you didn't feel that way." Turning his head, Matt looked at the woman he loves. "Then why didn't you say anything Gabby?" Taking a breath, Gabby looked up at Matt. "I didn't want you to worry, or just have it run in your head all the time. I want you to just take it easy, and I want you to breathe while knowing that everything is okay between us." Matt agreed with his wife as she said that, as they both continued to make their way down the path towards the beach. "But if that isn't the case Gabby, then why are you lying to me; and telling me that things are okay, when they aren't okay?" Talking a breath, Gabby sighed.

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