Romantic Anniversary Dinner: The Appetizers, Part 1

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Hi Readers: What are you guys thinking of this new turn in the story? An early anniversary dinner for Matt and Gabby? Hope you like. But first, a quick note. I know this day is getting long, but I have decided that I want to cover this as much as I can. Not too sure whether I'm going to go back to the Halsteads today, simply because I have this idea. Now, let's get back to the story, and the meal.

They decided that tonight's meal was going to be casual, without anybody having to even say that today was going to be casual; and that was simply because of how Matt and Gabby were currently acting with each other. They were being very informal, and just so laissez-faire with each other, which was exactly how they both want to spend their anniversary. They want to just take it easy, and they want to relax. I mean, what's better than the idea of them holding each other they enjoy some appetizers that were prepared by their private chef, who was trained at the Cordon Bleu in Paris? Well, that's something that the couple most definitely do enjoy; simply because of how good the food he makes is, and how he just does everything perfectly. And that's why Matt and Gabby are so happy that they have Pascale in their life, to make them whatever their hearts desire. But not as much as they are happy to have each other in their life, especially when they're with (and all over) each other, which is exactly what Matt and Gabby are now. They're reunited once again, and ready to hold each other close; for the rest of the night, while they wear a couple of outfits.

The first one? The tight dress that Gabby was already wearing on their beach walk, and something that makes Gabby want her husband more than anything in the entire world; and that was because he looks incredibly handsome in the shirt and slacks that he was wearing, at least for now. They both know, at the end of the day; that they are going to just get undressed as soon as they're done having supper and get in the bath with each other. Because that's something that Matt already promised Gabby, that they would take a bath with each other; and that they would enjoy each other, one way or another. Whether it be through just calm, quiet time in bed or by being intimate with each other, Matt doesn't care; the only thing that matters to him at the end of the day, is that his beautiful wife is happy. And that most definitely was exactly what Gabby is at the moment. She's happy that she and Matt are together at the moment and are going to spend the rest of the day holding each other close; as you should on your anniversary, especially after Matt surprised her with this. But now, he needs to stop doing something else; and that would be teasing her by still standing up.

God, she loves her husband, but she most definitely doesn't like the fact that he's still standing up; when he should instead be sitting down with her and holding her as they kiss each other. That was, until Gabby realized what Matt really wanted as he walked up to her; even thought he wasn't going to say it, she already knew. "I can only imagine that you're expecting me to do something for you?" smirking as Gabby asked him that, Matt nodded as he most certainly was expecting her to do something; and that was get up, so that she can give him a kiss. Doing just that, Gabby smiled as she got up for the man she loves and stepped close to him; but as she did so, Matt was able to notice something. And that was that she was much shorter now, as she was no longer wearing her wedged high heel sandals. "Sorry, I took my sandals off; my dogs were killing me." Matt snickered a bit as he heard Gabby say that, before getting close to her; after which, he moved his hand straight to her neck (while also wrapping his arm around her waist). At the same time, Gabby cuddled up to him and put her hand on his chest. Bending down shortly afterwards, Matt smirked as he took things slow with Gabby.

"I love you." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that he loves her, as she was well aware of the fact that he loves her simply based on the way that he treats her; and that would be like a queen, which she is to him. She's his queen, and the woman he always wants to please; and not just sexually, but in the most romantic ways. And that's why he and Gabby are going to be enjoying a nice meal that he asked Pascale to prepare for them, which he was more than okay with doing for the both of them; after all, what's better than the two of them getting a personally prepared dinner from their private chef? In Matt's opinion, there's nothing better than that; and he only wants the best for his beautiful wife, which is the exact reason why she's going to get a nice meal made by Pascale today. "Listen, as much as I love standing with you; I would really like to sit down and enjoy some of those appetizers that Pascale seemed to have brought out ahead of me coming outside." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling at the man she loves. "They're really good, and I am loving them." Matt then saw that they had some chocolate covered strawberries, which Gabby has yet to touch. "I can only assume that there are some deserts that you refuse to touch, at least while I'm not out here with you? Because you want something."

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