Christmas Plans 2019, Part Two

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The twins were now safely back in their cribs, and they were both fed (which meant that they were got for a while); which also meant that Jay and Alex were going to be able to talk to each other about Christmas for a while, which is going to be a topic that they (may) have differing views on...especially when it relates to a certain guest that they're thinking about, Alex's dad (Hank). And that's the entire reason why Jay recommended that they put the kids back in their cribs, prior to them talking about this topic; as he had a feeling that their would be a bit of tension in between them, which was not something that he wanted to have the kids in bed with them for. Rather, he wanted to be holding Alex in his arms as they spoke about it calmly; as that's how they need to talk about things that can cause them tension, because they want to make sure that their marriage is strong. (Not that they really have to worry about that right now, as their marriage is currently the strongest than it's ever been; all because of the experience they just had).

An experience that's as a result of Hank's actions, which is related to the reason that Jay doesn't feel like he should be invited; not when Alex is still going to be recovering, and they're still going to be getting used to their new life with the kids. This Christmas, Jay is already going to be worrying about all of the logistics; with two babies, and a well as his brother. That's a lot to deal with, and he's also going back to work right after Christmas; and he'd rather not have to deal with the possibility of Hank throwing a wrench into their celebrations, not when he has already affected them in a bad way. Jay just hopes that Alex understands where he's coming from and will listen to what he's thinking about when it comes to them not inviting Hank. Walking over to their bed this morning, Jay smiled as he proceeded to climb back into bed with the woman he loves; that way he can get close to Alex and hold her in his arms, which is how he's going to make sure that she stays calm as they talk about this with each other today. Calmly, and without too many issues.

Moving close to Alex as soon as he was in bed with her, Jay smiled as he closed the covers on top of the both of them and then put his hand on her side; at the same time, he once again slipped his arm under her head as they both got close to one another (including Alex getting close to his chest once again). Moving nice and close to the man she loves, Alex decided to wrap her arms around his torso as she cuddled up to the man she loves; at the same time, Jay moved his hand to her back and stroked it with his thumb. "Comfortable?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she was comfortable, because she most definitely was comfortable while she laid down in his arms. "What do you think?" Snickering, Jay agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that; after which, he turned his head and looked down into her eyes. At the same time, he moved his hand to the back of her head and bent down so that he could take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world.

And let's just say that Alex loves the feeling of Jay kissing her slowly, especially when it's exactly what she wanted him to do right now. She wanted him to take things nice and slow with her, and she just loves the feeling of his lips on hers; and now, that's exactly what she has. She has his lips on hers, as they hold each other close (which Jay's hand on her back as he stroked it with his thumb). And god, was that comfortable and relaxing at the same time. Alex just loves it more than anything in the entire world, especially since it's really relaxing. "So listen, I want to talk about this." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that they both want to talk about Christmas. But Jay wants to talk about it for a reason that she doesn't want to talk about, which is the fact that he's not interested in inviting her father to Christmas. "Alex, I want to be honest with you; and I want you to hear me out." Turning her head, Alex looked up at the man she loves, clearly hearing the worry in his voice. "Jay, I can hear the worry in your voice; is everything okay?"

Sighing, Jay looked down at the woman he loves. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with Hank coming at Christmas."


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