The Sound of Music, Part 1

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Hi Readers: What do you think of the movie I chose for Matt and Gabby to watch today? Are you guys okay with the idea of them watching it in bed rather than watching it downstairs? Let me know what you guys think. But now, let's get start with today's chapters.

Casey Primary Suite – She had to admit, this was the life. She was so happy that this is where they're going to watch the movie, as her bed is so much more comfortable compared to that couch; not that she wouldn't have been comfortable on her husband's chest, as they held each other close on the couch. But when it came down to it, she was much happier over the fact that they were going to be able to just lay down in each other's arms; and even better, it's going to be in a way very similar to the way that they hold each other close when they fall asleep in bed. Especially considering what they plan on wearing while they cuddle up to each other, which is something else that Matt loves about how they're going to hold each other close; and that would be that Gabby was going to be wearing some sexy lingerie, while he wears his boxers (per her request). But now, it's time to stop dreaming of holding his wife as he wears nothing but his boxers; and just start doing it, because that's something that they both want to do right now. Hold each other.

And this time around, it's not just going to be because it's what Gabby needs; rather, it's going to be just so that they're comfortable and in their bed with each other. Which just so happens to also be the place where they feel at home the most, in their bed where they are nothing but husband and wife. Sure, there are also times where Matt sneaks in a bit of work; but today, that wasn't going to happen. And that was due to the fact that he and Gabby both agreed that they were just going to hold each other close, as they watch a nice movie with each other; the movie that Gabby was waiting for him to start, as she wanted to be comfortable prior to starting to watch one of the two movies that you can really associate Julie Andrews with (the other being Disney's Mary Poppins, of course). God, she was so good in that one; and she's so glad that she got that part, simply because of how different it probably would've been had it been any other actor playing the title role. But now, that's not the movie that they're going to watch; but you already knew that.

Rather, they were going to be watching The Sound of Music; just as soon as Matt joins her in their bed and comes to cuddle up to her in bed. And thankfully, that wasn't going to be long, because the man of her dreams (who was still wearing nothing but his boxers) was now in their bedroom with the water that he got for her. And boy was the sight of him walking into their room something that was very attractive, and really turning her on. Heck, if they weren't just taking it easy today; then she may even want to ask her loving husband to just take her in his arms and make love to her (rather than them watching a movie). But no, that's not going to happen; because she's determined to just cuddle up to Matt in bed, as they watch The Sound of Music. And she's also determined to make sure that he doesn't do anything other than cuddle up to her, because she doesn't want him to work today; and that's something that she's going to mention right now, by asking him where his laptop is (as he walked over to his hamper). "Currently laptop location?"

Moving to set his shirt down in his hamper, Matt turned around to look at Gabby quite confused; after all, he didn't get just where that question even came from. "What?" Seeing Matt look at her quite confused, Gabby smirked due to the fact that this is something that they are both extremely happy with each other right now; but at the same time, she knew that she needed to explain just what she meant by his question. She owed him that answer because she still wanted the answer. "I just want to make sure that you're going to stick to what you promised me, and how you aren't going to work today as we watch the movie." Walking over to their bed, Matt smiled due to the fact that he was glad that Gabby was bringing it up; yes, he was happy that she brought it up. And that was due to the fact that he wanted to give her reassurance that he wasn't going to work today, because he doesn't plan on working today; rather, he's just going to concentrate on her and the movie. Today, he's nothing but a husband; not a father, and especially not a businessman.

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