Family Night...Or Not

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Casey Headquarters – 30th Floor: Rooftop Deck and Pool
It was not lost on Matt that the last time he, Kelly, and Antonio had a rooftop conversation with cigars; was also a time where they all spoke about PTSD. But this time around, Jay was not going to be joining them; as he was doing his own thing, with Alex at their place. Because like them, he was told that they had the weekend alone; at least, that was the case, until Matt and Gabby decided that they didn't want the weekend alone anymore. But still, it wasn't lost on him that this was similar; and it turned out, it wasn't lost on Antonio either. "Okay, are you guys experiencing a bit of déjà-vu or is it just me?" Turning his head to look at his best friend as he said that, Kelly snickered a bit as he most definitely was feeling a bit of déjà-vu; and he knew exactly what time he was talking about, which was when they were going to talk about how he has PTSD. "Just the wrong house." Matt agreed with Kelly as he said that. "Yeah, we were at the other place last time. But still, same thing." Walking over to his two brothers, Matt smiled at the both of them today.

"Here we go Antonio, a cigar for you." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, knowing that he wasn't drinking; after which, Matt walked over to Kelly. "And a beer and cigar for you." Kelly agreed with Matt as he said that, grabbing them as that was something that he wanted; after which, Matt got the lighter out. "Okay, put them in your mouths. I only brought one." Antonio and Kelly both laughed as Matt said that, before holding out their cigars so that they can get them light; and that was exactly what Matt did for the both of them, he lit their cigars so make sure that they were appropriately lit. But now, it was time for him to sit down and just relax, because that's what he needs. He needs to sit down, and he needs to relax now; and thankfully, Andy was here to help him. Something that he only realized after he sat down in his favorite chair, as Andy was sitting next to it. "Hey bud, you decided to join us up here?" Moving his hand to the top of Andy's head, Matt smiled due to the fact that he was really happy to have him here with all of them.

Putting his feet up, Matt smiled as he went ahead and looked at the guys; at the same time, he lit his cigar and went to take a puff of it. "God, now if that isn't what I need." Antonio smiled as he heard Matt say that. "I think you've been needing it for a lot longer than you thought, maybe since you learned the news." Matt agreed with Antonio as he said that, as that was something that he most definitely something he believed as well. "I am not going to disagree with you there, but my first priority was making sure that Gabby was okay." Antonio agreed with Matt as he said that, glad that was the case; after which, he went ahead and took a puff of his cigar. Meanwhile, Andy laid down and just got comfortable. "I swear, that damn dog of yours is so adorable at times." Looking down at Andy, Matt smiled. "Yeah, he is." Kelly smirked as he heard Matt say that, before thinking about something. "By the way, I've been meaning to ask. Have you spoken to Heather? Do you know whether they're moving here to work here again? Or they staying in California?"

He was about to take another puff of his cigar as Kelly asked him that, but he soon stopped as he wasn't sure. He didn't know whether she was coming here. "You know, that's a really good question." Antonio took a breath. "Can I put in my two cents?" Matt agreed, before snickering. "Has me saying no ever stopped you before? Heck, you've been doing it since BEFORE I was your brother-in-law! Or do we have to revisit the whole 'I was still grieving for my lost baby' conversation when it comes to Louie?" Kelly smirked as he heard Matt say that, well aware of just what conversation he was talking about; because he was there when they had it, or at least he heard about it. "Antonio, my suggestion is to treat lightly." Kelly then turned to look at Matt. "That reminds me, I need Thursday morning off." Matt was confused as he heard his Deputy CEO of Casey Fire say that, as he didn't know why. "Uhm, why? I was going to go back to work here at the office this week." Kelly sighed as he heard Matt ask him that, before deciding to come clean.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now