I Missed the Signs...that I'm Hurting You

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Sorry once again for leaving you on a cliff-hanger, but that's just something that I need to do at times. Now, I hope that you guys are ready for some great chapters ahead of us, as I have some ideas for you. In fact, I have a whole word document full of them; but they aren't ready to be mentioned yet, as they are still being worked on. But for today, I'm going to concentrate on one thing. And that would be finishing up with writing Matt and Gabby's anniversary. So, please enjoy.

To say that things got a bit awkward in between the husband-and-wife on the night of their anniversary, after the topics that were brought up in the course of their conversation in the bathroom; well, that would be an understatement. And there was a reason for that. The truth is, both Matt and Gabby have been a bit...distant with each other lately; but that's only truly become obvious to them, right now...after the dramatic turn of events that have happened during the course of them celebrating their anniversary. And if they could both choose one day, or at least one night where this wouldn't happen; then tonight most certainly would be that night, as the couple do not want to be in a place where they both feel like they can't touch each other. Like they can't console each other or make each other feel better. But right now, that was the exact way that they were feeling; or it was at least, until Matt and Gabby made their way to bed. Now, things are starting to get better; simply because they are holding each other close, and just concentrating on each other. Heck, they aren't even talking to each other yet; but that still makes them happy...because it means that they're healing.

Even though it is all so fresh, Gabby can feel Matt letting his guard down with her once more; simply because he's holding her close as they stand together next to their bed, with his hands on her hips as she holds him for a moment. But getting him to do this was definitely not something that was easy, because Matt is still hesitant to even be near her; to hold her in his arms, to just put his hands on her hips...simply because he's worried that he's going to keep doing, what he just learned that he's been doing for a while. And those things simply break his heart, and he hates that he didn't see that he was doing that to the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. But now, he knows; and things are starting to get better, especially as he breathes and just holds the woman of his dreams close to him. At the same time, Gabby has her hands on his face as they stare into each other's eyes; the two of them ensuring that they don't go overboard with the dramatics, especially her husband. Because he doesn't need to do anything other than be with her right now, because that's where he needs to be. He needs to be with her, so that she can help him through this hard time.

Is Matt a bit scared to be this intimate with his beautiful wife at the moment? Of course, he is and that's because of what he just learned. But is he dealing with it to the best of his abilities? You bet he is, because he wants to be here with her right now; he wants to hold his wife close to him, and he wants to make things better with her. And that's exactly what he plans on doing with Gabby all night, because it's what she deserves as his wife; for him to fix what he's been doing for a while, and just make her feel better after he hurt her. And that was the reason why he just stepped nice and close to her and moved his hands up her back; that way, he could give her exactly what she wanted from him right now. Even after what she told him outside, she made it crystal clear to the man she loves that she still wanted him; and that she still wanted to be intimate with him, as they celebrate their anniversary. And Matt agreed, as he wants the same thing; he wants to be intimate with her, but he wants to do it slowly. And right now, that's exactly what he's doing for her; while also making sure that he doesn't hurt her anymore, which is something that Gabby can most certainly tell he's doing.

Moving her hands to his face, Gabby turned his head and just stared into his eyes so that she could speak to him. "You're scared that you're going to hurt me again, aren't you Matt?" Taking a breath, Matt agreed with Gabby as that was the exact thing that he was worrying about right now; the possibility of him hurting her again, as they both held each other close. But before he admitted to that, he felt like he needed to take a breath; that way, he was calm as they spoke about this. Because it's not going to help them whatsoever if he decides to yell at her while they talk about this, but it could just hurt them in the long run; and that was due to the fact that his beautiful wife is still pregnant with their daughters, and he doesn't want to do anything that can jeopardize that. So, that's what he's trying to concentrate on at the same time. The fact that his gorgeous wife is pregnant, and that he wants to make sure that she stays pregnant for the rest of her pregnancy; yet at the same time, he needs to be honest with his wife. "How can I not be Gabby?" Taking a breath, Gabby agreed with Matt as she stepped close to him; after which, she moved her hands down his arms and gave him comfort.

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