The Sound of Music, Part 2

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Okay, I know what you're going to say. How can the Sound of Music have multiple parts when it's a single movie? Well, that's just for Chapter titles. I pride myself with trying to name chapters other than by using the numbers, and I hope that you guys are liking how I name the titles; and even better, I hope that the titles don't repeat themselves (unless they have multiple parts). Still, hope you like them and are ready to enjoy them for the rest of the story. And speaking of the story, what do you say we get back to it?

Halstead Home – There are times where Alex really doesn't like the fact that she and Jay don't have a TV in their room, because it means that they can't watch TV in bed; especially when they're alone, and they have no need to be out in the living room. But other times, she has to admit that she does like the sight of her husband being her waiter as he walks into the living room wearing his nice sweatpants. Because that's what he decided to put on, rather than stay in his boxers (unfortunately). But there was a reason for that, which was due to the fact that they are (as you know) not in their room; and Jay believes that is a good enough reason for why he should wear pants in the rest of the house, not that Alex agrees (or understands honestly). But if she needs to know, then he's going to tell her; just as soon as he sets the food down, and she asks him the question. Or at least looks down at his pants, which is exactly what Alex just did; probably trying to get him to just do what she's thinking about, and that would be take them off.

"Get that idea out of your head Alex." Looking at Jay, Alex decided to play all innocent and act like she has no idea what idea he was talking about. "I wasn't thinking about anything." Standing up after setting the food down, Jay put his hands on his hips as he looked at his wife. As much as he loves her, he knows for a fact that she's currently lying through her teeth; heck, even Alex knows that she's lying to him right now. And that's due to the fact that she's not the best of liars when it comes to what she wants him to do. "Okay fine, I want you to take off your pants. I mean, look at what I'm wearing; I'm wearing lingerie for you." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, because he most certainly does like the sight of her wearing lingerie for him. "Lingerie that I most definitely do like the sight of by the way." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before smiling as she decided to get up and walk over to him today; and let's just say that Jay loved that idea, as it meant that he's going to hold her close to him (prior to him sitting down on the couch today).

Plus, it means that he's going to be able to sit down on the couch...with her in his lap, as they cuddle up to each other and watch the movie; but first, he's going to give Alex something that she wants him to give her right now...which would be a nice kiss. Getting close to his gorgeous wife, Jay smirked as he put his hands on her hips and just leaned in to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world; at the same time, Alex moved her hands to his chest and ran her hands down his gorgeous body. "God, you're such a hunk." Laughing as he heard Alex say that, Jay stepped close to the woman he loves before getting close to her and wrapping his arms around her. Meanwhile, Alex wrapped her arms around his back and just stepped close to her dreamy husband; whom she loves more than anything in the entire world and wants to show him that by kissing him right now, which is exactly what she did. She leaned in and kissed her loving husband softly. "I love you." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that she loves him, as he feels the same way.

"I love you too Alex and will until the end of time." Alex smiled as she heard Jay tell her that he's going to love her until the end of time, as she knows that's always going to be the case. And even better, it was making her a bit happier over the fact that he was just wearing sweats. "So, you aren't going to take off your pants for me? And there's nothing I can do to change your mind?" Jay laughed as he heard Alex ask him whether there was anything she could do to change his mind, before watching as she got close to him and wrapped her arms around his neck. Meanwhile, he moved his hands to her back and rubbed it. He then turned his head, smiling at her as he stared into her eyes and kissed her softly. Taking things nice and slow with Alex, Jay smirked due to the fact that she truly is the love of his life, and he's quite happy over the fact that they're currently holding each other close. "We do need to relax Alex, and just take it easy with each other. Plus, we need to think about where we are right now." Alex was confused as she heard Jay say that.

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