Breakfast in Bed, as Requested

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. Before we begin, I want to apologize for having ended so early last night, but I started to run out of ideas for what to do in another chapter (last night); but now, I have some more ideas for you...and I'm ready to write some more chapters, and to continue this story. Now, I just want to clarify something that I just said; what I said doesn't mean whatsoever that I'm anywhere near done this story (I mean, we do need to do some more business; and we need to meet the girls). I promise, this story is just getting started; and I am more than ready to keep this story, so let's do just that for you guys.

He had a smile on his face, regardless of the fact that he and his wife were still in a period of mourning; as he made his way back into their bedroom, carrying the plate of egg sandwiches which he made for breakfast this morning. And there was a reason behind him making this as their breakfast, because it was a breakfast that Matt knew that Gabby would enjoy; and not just because she requested that they have egg sandwiches for breakfast today, but because she enjoyed them. They were one of the many breakfasts that always brought a smile to Gabby's face, because of how delicious she found them; especially when they were made by the man she loves, her husband Matthew James Casey. The man of her dreams, the father of their children, and her one true love; the love of her life, in other words. And that's the only way that Gabby can truly describe how much love she has for Matt, that he's the love of her life; and the only man that she could ever see herself being with, as she loves the life that they have with each other...with their children.

Right now, their handsome sons Matteo and Noah; and in the future, their beautiful daughters Bella and Emily. And in Matt's eyes, they are going to be the most beautiful baby girls in the entire world; for the simple fact that they are the product of his love for Gabby, whom he truly believes is the most beautiful woman in the entire world (then again, he's biased as her husband). And everybody knows that, because every husband is biased when it comes to who they believe is the most beautiful woman in the entire world; because their answer is always their wife, as it should be (for obvious reasons). But the reasons that Matt says that Gabby is the most beautiful woman in the entire world is not just due to the fact that she truly is beautiful, but it's also due to her heart; she has such a big, beautiful heart...and that's just one of the things that makes Matt truly love her more than any woman he's ever loved before. And it's also a reason why Gabby will never have any reason to feel like anybody can replace her, as nobody can replace him.

She's done so much for him, and she's been willing to put so much on the line in the past. May I remind you that, based on the information at the time; Gabby wanted to risk her life, just so that she could give Matt a child. And while that ended up not being the truth (as she didn't really have an aneurysm), that doesn't take away from the gesture; and the strength that comes with having to make that decision, and the risk that it would mean for Gabby. Both physically, and emotionally; as there was (at the time, based on the information they had), a chance that she would die giving birth. And that meant that there was, at the time, a risk that Gabby would never getting (a) a chance to raise the baby with Matt, or (b) never even get a chance to meet said child; and that would be due to the fact that she could've died giving birth to the baby, or even both. But that didn't happen, and Gabby is here with Matt to raise all of their children together, which is just another one of the many (obvious) reasons that she's earned the title, "my miracle".

Because that's what Gabby is to Matt, she's his miracle; and she's the one that gave him a second chance at love, one that he never thought that he'd ever have after Hallie died in such a tragic manner. (That, of course, being one of the main reasons why he was against Gabby being pregnant in the first place; but you already knew that). But now, those memories are a distant pass; as Matt has this new life to live, with Gabby and their children. A life that he's madly in love with, almost as much as his wife; whom he loves more than anything in the entire world and can't wait to raise his daughters with (just as they are currently raising their sons together). And that's something that they need to remember each and every day, that they have been blessed with this life; and if God didn't want them to have five children, then that's okay. Anyways, it probably would've been hard to do five children; not that they wouldn't have figured it out, because they've always figured things out. I mean, they are dealing with it the best they can; as nobody's perfect.

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