Homecoming: Welcome Home, Part 2

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Setting his pants down in the hamper shortly after taking them off, Jay smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife, who was currently waiting for him at the end of their bed, because she is not going to be getting in bed by herself. Rather, he's going to help her get in bed so that he can please her; and god, he can't wait to do that. And that's due to the fact that he knows what his beautiful wife wants, he knows that they're going to have fun with each other; and they're just going to relax together, which is everything that they both want. But god, the lingerie that Alex is wearing is still something that Jay loves; and he most definitely is going to do exactly what she wants, which is take her in his arms as they hold each other close...and take things nice and slow with her. Getting nice and close to the woman he loves as she stood at the end of their bed, Jay smirked as he put his hands next to her on the footboard; after which Alex put her hands on Jay's chest and stared into her eyes, because this is everything that they both want to do right now.

They want to hold each other close, and they want to have fun together, which is exactly what they plan on doing with each other, as they cuddle up to each other in bed. Moving his hand to Alex's side, Jay smirked as he tugged her body against his chest; after which, she wrapped her arms around his neck and just smiled at her dreamy husband. Wrapping her arms around his neck, Alex smiled as she leaned in and kissed him softly; at the same time, Jay moved his hands to both of her sides as they took things nice and slow with each other. After all, they've been waiting to do this for the longest time; to be home with each other, and their children. "Finally, home." Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that, as that most definitely is exactly what she's thinking about right now; the fact that she's finally home with the man she loves, as well as their children. She then wrapped her arms around his neck, and smiled as he leaned in to kiss her softly; taking things nice and slow with Jay, Alex smirked due to the fact that she's more than ready to give Jay some attention.

After all, what hormonal woman doesn't want to take things nice and slow with her husband, which is why she's currently just waiting for him to pick her up and bring her to bed. "Okay, you really need to make up your mind when it comes to what you want to do now." Jay was confused as he heard Alex say that, unsure of what she's talking about. "What are you talking about?" Alex smirked. "I want you to hold me in bed, but you're still standing here and have yet to get me in bed." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as that's exactly what he wants to do; he wants to pick her up in his arms, and he also wants to get her in bed. I mean, that's what they both want after all. Moving to get close to the woman he loves, Jay smirked as he proceeded to pick her up in his arms; after which, he wrapped her legs around his waist and just smiled as he moved his hands to her sides. Smiling as Alex wrapped her arms around his neck, Jay smirked as he then leaned in and proceeded to kiss her softly; taking things nice and slow with Alex, Jay smirked.

I mean, what's better than the feeling of his beautiful wife's lips on his? That's what every man dreams of, and it's exactly what he's in the midst of getting from her right now; he's currently sharing a nice kiss with his beautiful wife, whom he loves more than anything in the entire world. And that's exactly what they're in the midst of doing right now. They're just taking things nice and slow with each other, but Jay doesn't want to do it the way they currently are anymore, which is why Jay decided to pull away from the kiss and pick her up in his arms. Looking at her dreamy husband as he did that, Alex smirked due to the fact that it's exactly what they both want right now. They want to take things nice and slow with each other, and just take it easy in bed. Slipping his arm under her legs as soon as he had Alex in his arms, Jay smiled as he turned his head and just watched as Alex wrapped her arms around his neck; after which, he leaned in and proceeded to kiss the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "I love you." Alex agreed.

"I love you too Jay, and that will always be the case." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, well aware that was the case; I mean, what wife doesn't know that their husband loves her more than anything in the entire world. But now, she just needs to take things nice and slow with the man she loves; that way, they can climb into bed with each other as that's what they both want to do. They want to hold each other close, and she wants to take things nice and slow with the man of her dreams. Moving her finger to his cheekbone, Alex smirked as she ran her finger down it and then kissed him softly. "I want you to lay me down in bed, and then get in with me; okay?" Jay agreed with Alex as he said that, before smiling as he carried his beautiful wife to bed; as that was exactly what Alex wanted him to do, she wanted him to lay her down in bed and just hold her close to his chest. After all, what's better than the feeling of her man in bed with her; and that most definitely will be exactly what Jay wants too, because he wants to hold his beautiful wife close to him.

And since Jay knew that Alex wanted him to lay her down in bed, he went ahead and did just that; especially due to the fact that they are both extremely happy when they're in bed together, which is going to be what they do as soon as Alex is in bed. Going to lay her down, Jay smirked due to the fact that she really is extremely sexy; and this is everything that he wants right now, he wants to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves. But that doesn't mean that he wants to have sex with her, because it's not time for that yet; rather, it's time for her to rest and just take it easy with the man of her dreams. And that's something that Jay wants too. He wants to hold the woman he loves in bed, and just relax with her; and that's what he went to do, as he climbed into bed with the woman he loves so that he can hold her close. Getting nice and close to the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world, Jay smirked due to the fact that it's everything that they both want; to hold each other close, and just cuddle up to each other right now.

Closing the covers up on top of the both of them, Jay smiled as he moved to wrap his arm around Alex; after which, Alex put her hands on his chest and just smiled due to the fact that this really is everything that they both wanted right now; they wanted to hold each other close, and they want to take things nice and slow with each other. And that's simply due to the fact that they love each other more than anything in the entire world. Moving her hand to Jay's face, Alex smiled as she leaned in and kissed Jay softly; at the same time, Jay moved his hand to her back and stroked it with his thumb. "How are you feeling right now? You comfortable?" Alex agreed with Jay as he asked her whether she was comfortable, because she most definitely was. "I am so damn comfortable, and I am so glad that we're just going to hold each other; because that's everything that I want to do with you. I want to hold you close to me, and I just want to relax in bed with you. Think we can do that?" Jay laughed as he heard Alex ask him that question, as they definitely can.

"Oh, we most certainly can spend the day in bed; because that's what I want to do as well, I want to hold you close in bed...and I just want to do this for the rest of the day, until you're recovered. Remember? I said that I was going to treat you as if you just gave birth, and that means that you get to stay in bed; and you get to relax, as I take care of you." Moving her hand to Jay's face, Alex smiled as she moved her hand to his face and just started to take things nice and slow with her loving husband. "I love you so much, and I am so glad that we're home; this is where I want to be." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, as that's exactly how he feels; slipping his arm under her head, Jay smiled as he proceeded to grab her hand and intertwined their fingers. "Me too, and I just want you to relax." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before smiling as she watched him kiss the back of her hand. Smiling as Jay did that, Alex cuddled up to him and then held him close; at the same time, Jay smiled as he wrapped his arm around her back and cuddled up to her.

Grabbing the covers, Jay tugged them up on top of the both of them; after which, he moved his hand to her back and stroked it with his thumb. Turning his head afterwards, Jay smiled as he looked down at the woman he loves. "Is there a reason that you just cuddled up to me?" Alex took a breath and then ran her hand down his chest. "Do you mind if..." Jay then proceeded to finish her thought. "You take a nap, and just get some rest?" Alex took a breath as Jay asked her that, before feeling her press his lips to her forehead. "I mean, I know that I've been resting but..." Jay then interrupting you. "You're still tired, because you've been worried for the longest time; and that really didn't allow you to get as much rest as you hoped, like every night in the hospital?" Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, because that's how she feels right now; she feels like she needs to sleep, and just take it easy. "Do you mind?" Jay shook his head, before smiling as he moved his hand to her neck; after which, he started to take things nice and slow with his beautiful wife.

"Just kiss me until we fall asleep, okay?" Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, doing just that; as that's something that he can do for her, because it's also what he wants to do right now. So, he did as he was told; and he kissed Alex until they fell asleep this morning.

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