Talking About It

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He already knew that this was going to be a hard topic to talk about when he first learned that this is what he had PTSD about, but he also knew that he needed to talk to Gabby about it; because she's his partner in this, and he needs to talk to her so that she can help him. And since she's going to be here, she's going to make it much easier to talk about it; because that's what she always does, she makes things a lot easier to talk about simply by holding him close in bed. And that was what Matt was waiting for Gabby to do, to hold him in bed (rather than have him hold her in bed for a change); oh, who are we kidding, they're both going to hold each other equally as it's what they need to do. They need to hold each other, and they need to give each other comfort, which is something that Gabby's more than okay with doing. But first, she needs to talk out of the washroom and join him in bed, which is something that he's still waiting for her to do. "You coming babe?" And it was just then that Gabby came out of the washroom. "Calm down, I'm coming."

Matt agreed with his beautiful wife as she said that, well aware that was the case. "I can see that's the case. And I have to say that you look quite good right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he told her that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, calm down Matt, you may look comfortable in bed; but that doesn't mean that you're getting sex from me, because you just had PTSD." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I'm not expecting sex whatsoever. I'm just expecting to hold the woman I love in my arms and cuddle up to her as she gives me comfort after I had PTSD, which is what I need right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case as she walked out of the bathroom so that she could go join the man she loves in bed. After all, that's exactly what he wants her to do right now; he wants her to join him in bed and hold him close. Not that she would want to do anything else, because her husband is a real hunk; and she likes to hold him close all the time, because he's comfortable.'

But right now, she needs to do it for practical purposes; that are related to his health, his mental health (more specifically, his PTSD). And she's more than okay with doing that because she loves her husband; and she wants to do whatever she can to make sure that he's okay at the end of the day. "I'm going to lay down next to you for a bit, because I want to talk; that okay?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him that, as he was more than okay with that. "I like that idea actually." And since he liked that idea so much, Matt decided to roll over onto his side so that he could already be facing Gabby when she climbs into bed with him; after all, they are going to be facing each other as they talk to each other. "Come here gorgeous." Gabby agreed with Matt as he asked her to get close to him, which is exactly what she went ahead and did; she got into bed with him, so that she could talk to him and make sure that she was okay. And boy, was she going to be comfortable as she did it; because she's always comfortable when she's in bed with Matt.

Oh, and kissing him softly; because that's something else that she's going to do with her husband, she's going to kiss him softly as they hold each other close. After all, that's how she's going to help him feel better. She's going to comfort, talk to, and kiss him as they relax in bed together; and that's perfect, because it's exactly what Matt wants. He wants her to kiss him, and talk to him for a while. So now, it's time for them to start doing that; it's time for the two of them to hold each other close, as they cuddle up to each other and talk. And that's exactly what they're going to do, starting right now as Gabby moved close to him; while Matt put his hand on her hip, so that he could hold her close. "So, are you going to fill mem in on what you heard?" Taking a breath, Gabby agreed with Matt as she knew that she needed to do that; she needed to tell him what she heard, so that he knew what was going on when she came in. "You were yelling out, and asking your dad to not do it." Taking a breath, Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that. "Yeah, I know...hard."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she told him that, because he also hopes that he didn't scare her. "I just hope that I didn't scare you." Looking at her husband as he said that, Gabby was shocked that he was worried about that; especially when they should be worried about him first, as he was the one that had PTSD. "Hey, you don't need to worry about that Matt. You were the one that had PTSD, please worry about that more. I'm used to seeing it now." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before taking a breath. "And the boys? Are they going to be used to seeing it? The girls?" Taking a breath as she heard Matt say that, Gabby had a feeling that this has been on his mind for a while. "We can talk about that after, but we need to talk about this first." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Baby, I want you to open up to me; just let me know what's going on, and talk to me." Matt agreed with Gabby. "I guess, I just thought about it for some reason. And it hasn't happened for a long time, and it scares me."

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