We Needed That

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter out, but I just got lost doing other things; however, I think that it's now time to get back to some other things. But more specifically, I want to go visit another couple for a bit; after all, we need to see how the other couple's night of romance went. But no, I am not going back to write all of Jay and Alex's night; that would be too much work, and we want to move things forward as we start day two of their weekend alone. Hope you guys enjoy tonight's last chapter, more to come.

8:05 AM, December 7th – Halstead Home
The minutes ticked by on her alarm clock this morning, the fifth by her count since she woke up early today, which is something that she would enjoy on a normal day, as it would've meant that she wouldn't be woken up by one of the twins crying out for her. But today, this was not the time that she wanted to be awake; rather, she still wanted to be fast asleep. She wanted to be sleeping next to her naked husband, who made love to her the night before; or heck, even on him. But no, she was laying down next to him right now; at least if she was on his chest, then she would have something that she could do. She could run her hand up and down his abs and trace them with heir finger. Oh god, just thinking about her gorgeous husband makes her feel lucky; because he really is the best husband in the entire world, and she feels really lucky to be his wife. But right now, she needs to do something for him; and that would be make sure that he stays asleep, and she's going to do that by getting up out of bed. Maybe she can go work on some designs.

Get some new designs out for ELLA, and just get some creative energy out; maybe then she'll be tired again, and she'll be able to fall back asleep next to her husband. Opening the covers to their bed, Alex went to get up this morning; however, her plans soon hit a snag when she felt Jay roll over in bed. Turning her head, she looked to see whether Jay was still asleep; and it seemed that he was, as he still had his eyes closed. So, she went back to getting up out of bed. Looking around the room, she went to see whether she could find her underwear; that was, until she remembered that she wasn't wearing underwear when they got in bed. Rather, she was already naked; and that was due to the fact that they made love to each other twice last night, once in the bath and then in bed with each other. And god, that was great; she just hopes that she doesn't wake Jay up as she walks over to her dresser and gets some underwear out. Going to bend down, Alex quietly went to open her drawer; however, it seemed like even that was enough noise.

It was just loud enough to wake her husband up, which was the last thing that she wanted. "Alex?" Turning her head, Alex looked at the man she loves while he looked at her; at the same time, she took a breath while going to open her drawer to grab some underwear. "Sorry, go back to sleep. It's okay." Rolling over in bed, Jay shook his head. "Can you get me some boxers while you're over there?" Alex laughed as she heard Jay say that. "So, only you get to enjoy the show of me walking around naked?" Moving to put her new pair of underwear on, Alex smirked as she went to adjust it before walking over to Jay's dresser. "Oh, don't act like you don't like to tease me like that." Alex smirked as she heard Jay say that. "What are you doing up this early anyways?" Turning his head, Jay saw that it was only seven in the morning. "Babe, it's only seven." Alex sighed as she walked up to Jay's dresser, before opening his boxer drawer before throwing his fresh pair of boxers towards him. Catching them, Jay smiled as he looked at the woman he loves.

God, he still loves the sight of his wife walking around like that. "So, still not going to give me some answers?" Alex sighed as she looked at the man she loves, before opening his undershirt drawer; after which, she grabbed one so that she could put it on. After which, she tugged it down on top of her. That way, she wasn't nude at the moment; but let's just say that didn't make Jay the happiest. "Awe, I was enjoying the sight." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Oh, I am well aware that you were enjoying that sight. But right now, you need to calm down mister; because I can see that you're already excited." Adjusting his boxers this morning, Jay smirked as he looked at his beautiful wife; after which, he started to make his way over to Alex so that he could wrap his arms around her and hold her close. "So, how long have you been awake?" Alex smiled as she felt Jay wrap his arms around her and just held him close to him, while also stepping extremely close to him; after which, she pressed her body against him.

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