Nothing Like It...But a Bit Too Much

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Hi Readers: I hope you guys liked the chapters that I already posted for you today, but I do want to apologize about the fact that I ended up changing some things around; including going back and no longer including a chapter, and a certain couple. But now, I am going to just get back to the story; and I am going to try and get some progress back, because I lost all of it now. So, let's try this again.

It wasn't long before the couple went a bit too overboard, especially when their boys are in their room with them, which was the entire reason why Matt is starting to regret having taken off his shirt in the first place, because it led to Gabby's hormones basically exploding. Because that always happened whenever Matt was shirtless, because that's how muscular her dreamy husband is; he's really sexy, and she just loves the way he envelops her in bed. But now, she and Matt are going to relax with each other; and they are both just going to cuddle up to each other, just as soon as Matt was back in bed with Gabby. But rather than being in his boxers, Matt was going to be wearing some sweats, which was more than okay with Gabby, as she appreciates what he's doing for her right now. Plus, Gabby had to admit; her husband looks pretty nice when he's just wearing his sweats. And that's due to the fact that he looks extremely comfortable, which was the entire reason why Matt was wearing them; because he wanted to be comfortable, as does Gabby. She wants her man to be comfortable, as they cuddle up to each other in bed; with their sons by their sides, as they play with each other. And boy are they adorable as they play with each other, especially when they are playing well with each other.

Because that's exactly what they want in life, for their children to play nice with each other. And that's especially going to be the case when they have their baby girls, and when Matteo and Noah are going to have to play protective big brothers when it comes to their sisters; because that's already something that Matt expects his sons to do, he expects them to take care of both themselves, as well as their little sisters. I mean, that's of course something that any big brother; heck, little brother too. And he can speak from experience, as he does like to protect his sister; but right now, he doesn't want to do that. Not when he'd rather protect his family, and just spend time with them; especially his gorgeous wife, as she just laid down in bed while resting. In fact, he thinks she may have fallen asleep; so, Matt believed that meant he had a bit of time to spend with his little boys Matteo and Noah. Bending down, Matt smiled as he kissed the top of both of their heads and just looked at his adorable sons. "Hey, you little guys, make sure that you guys play nice with each other; and just make sure that you relax today, because I have a feeling that mommy is sleeping right now." However, that wasn't the case. "Nice try Matthew, I am just reading an e-mail that I just got on my phone from the production team." Matt agreed.

But at the same time, he couldn't help but snicker a bit, which made his wife confused, as she didn't get why he just snickered. "Is there a reason why you just snickered?" Matt smiled as he adjusted his sweatpants and looked at the most beautiful woman in the entire world. "Nothing , I just love the way you talk back to me like that pretty fast." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Now, how about you tell me what's going on in your e-mails?" Gabby sighed, as she just read an e-mail. "Well, I am having a couple troubles." Matt just looked at his wife as she said that, before making his way over to bed so that he can join the woman he loves in bed. "Do you want me to help you with some of those problems, because I am more than ready to help." Putting her iPad down, Gabby looked at Matt. "I'd rather do it, because I can fight my own battles." Matt sighed as he heard gabby say that, before making his way over to Gabby's side of the bed; after which, he sat down next to her and just took a breath as he looked at the woman he loves. "Baby, look at me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before going to grab his hand; after which, she set her iPad down so that she can concentrate on him...the man she loves more than anything in the entire world, her husband Matt.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now