Let's Get Out of Here: Damn, So Sexy

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Chapter One Hundred and Fifty? How are we already here at this chapter. I am just so glad that this is where we are now. And I want to just show my appreciation for all of you guys for having red my story, and for continuing to read my story after almost two months. But now, it's time for me to get right to it. So, what do you say we get to this chapter. Here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Fifty.

Carrying his towel in his hand shortly after shaving this morning, Matt smiled as he got ready to tease his wife for a moment; but just how was he going to do that? Well, that would be by simply walking out of the washroom in his tight boxers; boxers that his wife loves more than anything in the entire world, for the simple fact that it REALLY shows him off. And that was the reason behind him wearing them as he walked out of the shower, because he wanted to take one last chance to please his beautiful wife before he got dressed; after all, she was teasing him too by just wearing that sexy lingerie of hers. And he really means it when he says that it's sexy, because that's what she always wore for him when they go on dates; she wears very sexy lingerie for him, which he most certainly is going to enjoy when he's later...and a bit right now. And that was due to the fact that Gabby didn't go fast enough, she didn't put her dress on fast enough. So, that meant that he got a chance to look at that gorgeous, pregnant body of hers in her lingerie (which he loves). I mean, what husband doesn't like to look at his pregnant wife as she just wears some sexy lingerie for him? Well, Matt surely does.

And that was something that he was going to remind Gabby, as he also plays with her a bit; and that was due to the fact that he wanted to make sure that his beautiful wife knew that she was turning him on right now, not that she (probably) didn't already know that. Gabby always knows when she turns him on, because she wants to make sure that always happens. But there's something else that that he wants to do. He wants to give her a sweet kiss and run his hands around that sexy lingerie of hers, before she gets a chance to put that dress on; so, he made sure that Gabby knew that BEFORE she even thought of grabbing that dress that she already had on their bed (which she was in the midst of doing). "If you think that you're going to put that dress on before I get a chance to admire that gorgeous, pregnant body of yours; then you're crazy, even crazier than I thought you were." Turning around to look at the man she loves, Gabby smiled as she proceeded to pull a stand of hair behind her ear, which was a tell-tale clue that she was a bit embarrassed over the fact that she was wearing this. "Let me guess, it's too tight? And it doesn't look good on me right now?"

Matt was absolutely shocked as he heard Gabby say that, because that was the last thing that he wanted her to think; because the truth was, that was the last thing that Matt thought. "Oh my god Gabby, do you really think that way?" Blushing as Matt asked her that, Gabby just smiled at the man of her dreams; after which, Matt proceeded to make his way over to Gabby so that he could get close to the woman of his dreams. That way, he can give her a sweet kiss, which was exactly what she wanted, and Matt knew that. Just smiling at his gorgeous wife as he walked up to the end of their bed, Matt proceeded to through his towel down onto their bed; after which, he smiled as he put his hands on her stomach. That way, he can make sure that he gives her exactly what she wants; he can give her the kiss that she wants, and he can make sure that Gabby enjoys the feeling of his beautiful wife's lips on his. After which, Matt proceeded to do just that while moving his hand to her neck; taking things nice and slow with the woman he loves, Matt smirked due to the fact that this really is everything that they want to do. They want to take things slow with each other and share a kiss.

"God, I love you so much." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case. "And damn, you are so sexy." Gabby just laughed, blushing as she heard Matt say that once again; and let's just say that Matt really hates it when she blushes, because that was the last thing he wanted her to do when he's telling her the truth. So, he moved his hand to her chin and stroked it with his thumb while staring into her eyes. "Hey, look at me." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that. "You ARE beautiful, you ARE sexy, and that will ALWAYS be a fact. And I do not want you to think otherwise." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, agreeing with her; after which, he continued to take things nice and slow with her as they stood together. "God, I am so glad that this is what we're doing right now." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, smiling due to the fact that was exactly how he felt as well; he felt extremely happy over the fact that he was with the woman he loves, and spending some time with his beautiful wife...especially when she was just wearing some lingerie for him. Putting his hands on her stomach, Matt smiled at the woman he loves before sharing his head as she was sexy.

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