Daddy's Back, and Ready to Eat

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Hi Readers: I want to first start by apologizing for the long delay between the last chapter, and this chapter. However, I had to go out this afternoon to get some things done; and that was why I was MIA this afternoon. I hope you can forgive me and accept a bunch of new chapters as my way of giving back what you've been missing. Now, what do you say we start with some more chapters?

It took him a good forty-seven minutes, but he was finally back with Max and some food. And let's just say that Alex is not the happiest over the fact that Jay took so long, because she's hungry now. No, she's hangry now. And that's not an Alex that you want to mess with. You never want to mess with a hangry Alex, because she can easily snap at you; and that was why Jay decided to get something special for his beautiful wife. Something that they don't often have at the cafeteria, but that he specifically made sure to grab while he was there; as it was his way to try and get back in Alex's good graces, which is where he needs to be if he wants to get any action when they're back home with the twins. And while he's okay with not having sex so that his wife (and their beautiful children) can recover, that doesn't mean that Jay isn't still craving it. I mean, have you seen his wife? She's gorgeous, and that would any man make her want her in bed; but god, Jay is so damn lucky to be the only man whom Alex will ever want to be in bed with. Because that's what he is.

He feels like the luckiest man in the entire world, and he really does love his wife more than anything in the entire world; for the simple fact that Alex is the mother of his beautiful twins, and the love of his life. And he's never been able to say that for any other woman that he's loved, because he's never felt this way about any other woman that he loved; Alex is just something else, and she understands him better than anybody in the entire world. Heck, she even understands him more than his brother ever has; and that may be due to the fact that he truly believes that he can be more open and let his guard down with Alex. He can talk to her about things that he's never felt like he could talk to anybody else about, and that he's felt like he's had to keep inside of him; but Alex has really gotten him out of his shell, and she's truly changed his life for the better. And he means that more than she'll ever know, but he hopes that he can show her in the way that he can treat her; in the way that he can show her that he loves her, with actions.

Because yes, he can always say that he loves her; but there's just something about showing Alex that he loves her that makes him happy, which is everything that he always does. It's something that he does each and every day, and she's glad that this is what they're going to do for the rest of their lives; they're going to make each other happy, as they ensure that their children feel loved. Because that's something else that Jay wants to do for the rest of his life, he wants to make his children know that he loves them; and that starts with him making his way over to them, after he (quickly) speaks to his sister-in-law and gives Alex a kiss. "I can only assume that you guys had a good conversation based on how comfortable you are in bed Natalie?" Turning her head, Natalie smiled as she saw that her brother-in-law was back, which was what she was actually looking out for, so that she could head back to work. That, and she also knows that he and Alex are going to want to be alone with each other; as they enjoy a nice lunch together, in their hospital bed.

"Oh, me and Alex are just having fun and talking; she's giving me some tips over how to do stuff when it comes to the pregnancy and more." Jay agreed with Natalie as she said that, well aware that was something that Alex was doing for Natalie; and that was due to the fact that he was doing the same for Will, since he's worried when it comes to letting Natalie down as a father. And that's actually something that he's going to tell Natalie, so that she can speak to Will about it; and so that he can calm down and just relax, because he's been there, and he's seen the affect that it can have on your spouse (and the pregnancy). It can make them feel like they're hiding something, which is the last thing that any man needs to do when his wife is pregnant; rather, they need to be open with their spouse. And thanks to what Jay is about to do, Will is going to be able to do that with Natalie; but first, he decided to ask Alex whether she spoke to Natalie about it first (because yes, he told Alex so that he could get her advice on whether to say something to Natalie).

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