Nap Time, Business Time

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Hi Readers: Before we begin, I want to apologize once again for only posting two chapters yesterday; normally, I do post more chapters. However, as I told you last chapter; I had other things that I had to do, and that meant that I needed to take time away from my writing to concentrate on that. But now, I have more time to write today; and I can't wait to show you where I plan on taking this story, starting with what I plan on writing in this chapter. I hope that you guys like it and are ready for more. Enjoy my loyal readers.

Casey Home – To say that Matt was glad that Gabby was taking a nap this morning was an understatement, as she most definitely needed to take a nap; after they lost Jackson, Gabby hasn't been sleeping the best and has been restless a majority of the time. So, if Gabby can ever get some time to just take it easy and relax; then Matt is going to be more than supportive when it comes to her getting some time to relax, especially since it means that he gets a bit of time to do some things other than comfort her. And that would be work. Yes, he said that he would take some time off; but that was just him saying it to Gabby, as he felt like he needed to work a it would help him. Help him get through this hard time in their lives, and just grieve in his own way. At the same time, it would give him a chance to do something; it would give him a chance to use some of his coping techniques that he has for his PTSD. Some of which include the most recent violin music that Natalie created for the PTSD products they are going to sell (for the general public). However, that's not going to be the case when it comes to people who have PTSD; and that's something he's determined to do for people like him, who are suffering with mental health. No services that he creates to help deal with PTSD will be at a cost.

Patients of the Casey Clinic for Mental Health (which he has decided to try and work with the Kapiolani-Tripler Army Medical Center to create at their hospital), will get the services free of cost as part of their benefits that they have; whether they be through the benefits that their jobs give them (through health insurance), or through the benefits that they have with Affordable Care Act (also known as Obamacare) and/or the benefits that they have received from being veterans (which, like Jay, they receive through the VA). But when it comes to former first responders, well that's going to be free no matter what the cost. If you've served your local city or state by being a first responder, Matt believes that you should be able to have health carefree of cost; without having to be a burden to your family, especially with the statistics that he's read recently. Statistics that break his heart, both as someone who has the ability to afford quality health care; and as a father, as he has guaranteed health care from his retirement benefits with the CFD (both for himself, and for his family). Not that he really needs it, as he can afford the health care that he needs to have with his money.

But he knows that's not the case for all of his employees, which is a reason why he's using his money for good; and that's by giving his employee the access to the quality healthcare that they deserve, simply by working for him in a fast-paced environment. And that's actually why Matt is currently on the phone with a few people that can help him out with stuff that he wants to do, for the staff as part of their employment. More specifically, he's on the phone with Hunter Riley, Leighton Davis, and Damien Isaacs; whom are the Chief Human Resources Officer, the Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer for the Los Angeles Office, and the Deputy Chief Human Resources Officer for the Hawaii Officer respectively. "I guess, with all of this going on; it's really got me thinking about how much we really need to give to our employees, especially with how tirelessly they have been working on for the sake of creating this company." Agreeing with his boss, Hunter Riley then proceeded to speak to his boss. "I think that most definitely is something that we all need to think about, and I find it admirable that you're doing it from the top down." Matt agreed with Hunter as he said that.

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