Post-Baptism Intimate Alone Time, Part 1B

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Taking off his shirt as he walked up the side of the bed, Jay smirked as he set it down at the end of their bed, which is exactly where Alex wants his shirt to be, at the end of their bed for the moment. And that's due to the fact that she just wants a bit of alone time with her loving husband, which Jay wants as well; but for another reason, one that you are already aware of. He wants to be alone with her, so that he can talk to her about them getting a bit of time with each other. Time alone, without the kids (which is exactly what they've been needing for a while anyways). Time without the kids, where they can just be husband and wife. And that's what he's going to talk to her about, just as soon as he's in bed with Alex. "I wish you were in boxers." Jay smirked as he heard Alex say that, as he felt the same way. "Me too, but that can be a possibility later; when we're alone, and just holding each other?" Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, glad that he was already thinking about that. "Want to get our families to leave, and put the twins down?"

Jay bit his lip as Alex asked him that, because that was the exact topic that he wanted to talk to her about. "That's actually what I want to talk to you about." Alex was a bit confused as she heard Jay say that, not exactly understanding just where this conversation was headed. "Okay, you're really going to have to tell me what the hell you're talking about." Jay took a breath as he heard Alex say that, before getting in bed with the woman he loves; laying down on his side (against his pillow), Jay smirked as he moved to get close to his beautiful wife before tugging her body against his chest. At the same time, Alex cuddled up to him and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his muscular torso (which is something that she loves to cuddle up to); but you already knew that, because of how intimate this couple loves being with each other. "So, what do you want to talk to me about Jay? Because I'm a bit confused." Jay agreed with Alex as she said that, before going to grab her hand and taking a breath. "What do you think of a weekend together?"

Looking at Jay as he asked her that. "You mean like..." Jay nodded. "Just the two of us, without the twins for the first time." Taking a breath as she looked at the man she loves, Alex really had to think of that; because she hadn't been expecting it, especially not because of what Jay is trying to imply. Is he thinking of Hank? God, so many questions that they still need to answer. And there's just a lot to Alex even wants to think about, including whether she can do it when she is already in a shaky relationship with her father. "Listen, I know this is out of the blue." Alex agreed with her husband as he said that, as it most definitely is out of the blue. "Yeah, talk about it. We just get home from the baptism, and you're already talking about shipping the kids away so you can have me in bed." Getting up out of bed, Alex was a bit offended; after which, Jay just watched as she walked away to the window of their room. At the same time, Jay decided to get up once again so that he could make his way over to his wife; after all, it's what he needs to do.

He can't just let Alex stand there alone, not when he's her husband; and he loves her more than anything in the entire world, which is the entire reason behind him wanting to do this for her. It's what they both need to have. They need to get some time alone with each other, and he just wishes that Alex could see that; she's all stressed, and she needs time to concentrate on herself. And that's something that she wants her to concentrate on. But if she doesn't want it, then they don't have to push it; rather, he can drop it and just put it to a bad idea. But the truth is, Jay doesn't think it's a bad idea; because it's what Alex needs, it's what they both need. And that's what he's going to talk to her about, just as soon as he's standing behind her; which is exactly what he is now. He's standing behind the woman he loves, with his hands on her hips as he brought her body back against his chest; after which, Jay bent down and kissed Alex's neck softly to get her attention. And god, was that something that was nice; ;and it even made her moan. "Jay...."

Smirking, Jay proceeded to turn his beautiful wife around so that he can hold her close. "Come here beautiful." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, before stepping close to the man she loves; that way, she can hold him close to her and just relax in his arms. After all, that's what they both want to do right now. They want to relax, and they want to hold each other close. And as much as Alex hates to admit that she wants that, she knows that it's what she needs right now. She needs to get some time with her husband, and she needs to relax with him. She can't always spend time with the kids, because that's not healthy; rather, she needs to be alone with Jay at times...and that's what they're being offered a chance at. "Alex, I know we still have a lot of issues with your dad; do you really think I don't know that?" Alex shook her head as Jay asked her that, as she knew that he was well aware of it. Heck, he's just as frustrated as she is at times. "Alex, listen...I'm not going to push, but I'm just thinking about something. Can you hear me out?" Alex agreed.

"Alex, how many nights alone have we had together since we had the twins? Times where it's just been me and you, without any disturbances? Times where we can concentrate on each other, and our marriage?" Alex thought about it, before sighing. "Since we gave birth to the twins, I do not remember." Jay agreed with Alex as she told him that, before moving his hand to her neck; after which, he leaned in and proceeded to take things nice and slow with the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Alex, I love you; and I want to show you that. I want to show you how much I love you, and how much you mean to me. I haven't done that in so long, and I want to do that for you again. Listen, I know it's scary...but it's always going to be scary. Us leaving the kids, them being away from us. I know that it's going to be scary for you. But there are times where it's going to have to happen, because we need time; and the truth much as I love the kids, I miss my wife." Alex looked up into Jay's eyes, staring at time.

"I know, I get you all the time with the kids. But I miss my wife, and I miss the time that we got to be alone before we had kids; the times where we weren't on a schedule, and where we didn't have to wake up in the middle of the night. I know that's something I should love to do, but I miss you; and the truth is, I've been struggling with my PTSD since September." Alex just looked at Jay as he said that. "Jay, why didn't you say anything?" Taking a breath, Jay looked at Alex. "You were in your last trimester, and that meant I had to reduce the stress; I knew that September 11th was a hard time for me, and I tried my best to keep it away...but then I feel like it's just been building for a while, and I haven't got it out. And it's been simmering for almost three months, and we're nearing our anniversary; and I just..." Moving his hand to Alex's neck, Jay stepped close to her and then brought his lips to hers. "I need time with my wife, so that we can talk; so that I can concentrate on us, and so that I can concentrate on my mental health."

Alex agreed with Jay as he told her that. "And getting the offer made me think about it, I hope that's okay." Alex agreed with Jay as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Hey, I understand Jay; and we can talk about it, including where and how. Are they going to go to the penthouse? Or what are we doing?" That's when Jay heard his brother at the door. "Oh sorry, I just need a pacifier." Jay agreed with Will. "Oh, top drawer right there by the door." Alex agreed with Will, who soon looked at them. "And why would the boys go to the penthouse, by the way?" Sighing, Jay looked at his brother. "Me and Alex were just talking, and we've realized that...we haven't really had much time to ourselves of late, time where we can be husband and wife." Will smiled as he heard Jay say that, well aware of what he was talking about. "Let me guess, you're waiting for me and Natalie to offer my services?" Jay sighed as he looked at his brother. "The truth is, I need to talk to Alex; and things have been hard recently, my health has been a bit iffy since September 11th."

Will just looked at his brother as he said that, getting concerned. "You okay Jay?" Jay agreed with his brother as he asked him that. "Yeah, I am...I just didn't really get a chance to talk to Alex about it, and I feel like..." :Turning to look at Alex, Jay sighed as he wrapped his arm around her. "Like there's been tension since that day, which I don't like. I would rather we just talk it out, and make sure that we're okay. We haven't really had a chance to do that in a while. But we can come talk to you guys if that's okay?" Will smiled. "I'll mention it to Natalie, but you guys make your minds up first." Jay agreed with his brother as he said that, before watching as he went to grab a pacifier for one of the twins; after which, he left so that he can take care of the kids again. At the same time, Jay turned his attention back to Alex. "Back to bed as we talk about this?" Stepping close to Jay, Alex agreed as she put her hand on his chest; after which, she started to take things slow with him (quickly). After which, she grabbed his hand and led him back to bed.

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