Grilled Cheeses and Cuddles

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Hi Readers: What did you guys think of that quick dream that I just posted for you guys? I hope that you guys liked it, because it's going to lead to a couple storylines that I hope to follow. Now, I am still uncertain as to whether I am going to do the pandemic; I think you guys should know that I think I am going to end up doing the pandemic, with all of the kids. But now, back to present time.

He had no idea whatsoever where she was, where his wife was after he woke up alone in bed; naked and alone in bed, the last favorite thing for him to do. But this time it wasn't just because he wasn't with his wife, it was also due to the fact that he was worried. With Gabby still being a bit sad about the loss of their final son (because they just agreed that they're done having kids), Matt can't help but wonder if that was why she was no longer in bed with him; if rather than crying with him, she was currently somewhere else in the house...crying alone, where he can't hold her in his arms and make her feel better. Because that's what she needs him to do for her right now. She needs him to hold her in his arms and make her feel better if she's crying. But in fact, Gabby was not crying right now; rather, she was laughing as she sat in the living room. "God, nothing like a day in cozy clothes; and a nice dose of Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music!" Hearing his wife say that, Matt was just confused as he walked into the living room after taking a shower; clad in nothing but his boxers and a white tee to see his wife sitting here, wearing some boxers and a tee just like his as she watched a movie.

"Okay, is it just me? Or are we wearing the same outfit?" Turning her head as she was about to take a bite of nuts, Gabby looked at the man she loves and just smiled at she gave him a once over as he stood there in his boxers and a t-shirt. "Well, looks like great minds think alike." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before hearing the instantly recognizable first line of the movie. "The hills are alive, with the sounds of music." Turning her head as she looked at the screen, Gabby smiled as she thought about where the movie was shot all those years ago. "God, I can't wait to go there someday." Matt laughed as he heard Gabby say that. "I can only assume that's you telling me that you expect me to take you to Austria someday." Matt said, as he went ahead and grabbed one of the lickerish that his wife had in her hands. "Hey!" Smirking as he heard Gabby say that, before looking at her. "Hey yourself, you left me naked and alone in bed! And you stole my service dog!" Turning her head, Gabby smiled as she looked at Andy (who was there with her). "I know, I should've sent him back; but he just looked so comfortable there, as we laid down together. Plus, you were fast asleep in bed."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to scratch the top of his head. "I know, he does look comfortable." After which, he proceeded to steal another lickerish. "So, this is what you're eating?" Looking up at her husband, Gabby just glared at him. "Shut up. I want lickerish, I get lickerish. Last time I checked, I was the one who was pregnant with our daughters." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, well aware that was the case. "Hey, I'm not saying anything bad about it. You want your cravings, and I get that. But I would've liked to at least get a text from you as to where you were." Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, well aware that was the case; after which, she proceeded to set the bag of lickerish down on the couch next to her. Getting up shortly afterwards, Gabby smiled as she made her way over to the man she loves so that she can give him a hug and hold him close; wrapping his arms around her, Matt smiled at his sexy wife as she wore some of his boxers and one of his t-shirts. "I have to say, I do like the outfit that you chose to wear for me today." Smirking as she got close to him, Gabby leaned up and proceeded to kiss him softly. "I like your outfit too."

Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, before smirking as he wrapped his arms around her and bent down to kiss her softly. At the same time, Gabby took things nice and slow with him; after all, they are both really addicted to each other. And right now, they just want to take things nice and slow with each other. I mean, what's better than the two of them holding each other close, whether that be in bed, or here in the living room. All that matters is that Gabby has her husband close to her, and that she gets a chance to take things nice and slow with him on a regular basis. And right now, that's exactly what she's in the midst of doing, while also thinking about the dream that she just had. The dream about December 7th, 2020. A year from now, to the day. But she doesn't think that she needs to share the dream with Matt, as she would much rather just concentrate on watching the movie with him; that is, if he wants to join her in watching the movie. If he wants to go work, then he can. "Listen, I don't expect you to want to join me. If you want to work then...." Moving his hands to Gabby's neck, Matt bent down and went ahead to kiss her softly. "Don't say another word."

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