That Call Must've Been Hard, Part One

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Hi Readers: And welcome to another day of chapters. I hope that you guys enjoyed the previous chapters and are as ready as I am to see just where this story is headed today; and I promise you this, we are all going to be kept guessing until all of the chapters Are posted. And that starts with this chapter right now, which will be a direct follow-up to the previous chapter. Hope you guys like it.

He was glad that Andy didn't take long to go to the washroom, because Matt was famished. And that was even more this case due to the fact that his mom was making his favorite breakfast: fried eggs, bacon, and toast, which was one of the main factors that made the decision to go upstairs to the deck (rather than the ground floor) an easy decision to make, as it would allow Matt to take Andy out much faster. But now that Andy has gone to the washroom, he was ready to eat with his wife; well, he was. But now, he most certainly was not ready to his wife was not on the twenty-sixth floor, which is where the CEO expected her to be. So, it seemed that he either (a) had to try and find his wife, or (b) he could do the easy thing: ask their mothers where she is; and he chose to do the later, as it was much easier. So, he did just that. "Mom?" Turning their heads, the CEO's mother, and sister both smiled as they both heard him speak this morning; with the elder of the two responded by speaking to her son, saying the following: "Yes Matthew?" Matt sighed. "Do you know by any chance where Gabby went?" That's when Matt's sister spoke up. "Maybe before I tell you that, I should give you context." Matt was confused as he heard Christie say that, unsure as to what she meant...that was, until his sister explained.

"So, here's the thing. Apparently, your wife's best friend didn't realize that you are my brother...and she told me to do things regarding ads, and that she wanted me to pass them in front of her; even though you and Gabby both..." Matt already understood the situation, putting his hand up. "Okay, I can get all of this from Gabby; and I am going to need to talk to her about it anyways, because it can help me calm her down. So listen, as much as I want to talk to you...can you first tell me just where Gabby is?" The CEO's mother-in-law, realizing that he was worried, then gave him the answer that he was looking for; which would be where his wife was, as she spoke to her best friend this morning. "Here, I made Gabby some tea. How about you grab it, and bring it to her in the living room downstairs? You can help her calm down, and just get her to relax." Walking over to the kitchen, Matt agreed with Camila as she said that; after all, this is exactly what Gabby needs right now. She needs to drink a bit of tea and just calm down ahead of their meetings today. "Camila, do you mind finding the water bottles that we have here? Maybe fill them up with some water? I want Gabby to have one on her at all times in case she gets too warm today in the office. We haven't worked there all that often, as we like working from home."

Christie agreed with her brother as he said that, well aware that was the case. "I know, things do get heated in here at times." Turning his head, Matt just looked at his sister as it was not the time for jokes. "Christie..." Turning to look at her son, Nancy went ahead and told him that she would speak to his sister. "Matt, I already know what you're thinking about what Christie said; and I promise that I am going to speak to her for you, while you go concentrate on your wife with the tea that I have ready for you." Walking over to his mother in the kitchen, Matt smiled as he wrapped his arm around her and then kissed her cheek. "Thanks mom, I appreciate that." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, smiling due to the fact that he has become such an amazing man. "Did I ever tell you just how proud of the man that you've become? You are a great father, and an even better husband and son." Matt smiled as he heard his mom say that, before moving to hug her, which Nancy responded by hugging him as well, which made both his sister and mother-in-law's heart swell. "Awe." Turning his head, Matt looked at both Camila and Christie this morning. "I'll be going, as I need to go concentrate on my wife and our daughters for a moment." Nancy agreed with her son as he said that, well aware he was concerned.

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