GABBY DREAM: Bella and Emily Casey

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Hi Readers: Sorry for the delay in getting another chapter out to you, but I had to do some chores; and that meant that I couldn't get this one out to you as fast. However, I do hope to get some chapters out to you as fast as I can so that I can get them out; especially this one, which might be short due to the fact that this chapter is not a normal chapter. Rather, it is a dream chapter. Enjoy.

March 24, 2020: 2 Weeks Post-Birth of Bella and Emily Casey, and Matt's First Birthday as a Father
There he was, standing in front of her at their daughters' cribs clad in nothing but his tight boxers; the boxers that was really turning her on, but that didn't mean that he was getting lucky today. That he was going to get some sex from her on his birthday, because that's what today is; her loving husband's forty-first birthday. And that most definitely was something that she and Matt were going to celebrate with all of their children, just not sexually; especially not since she's currently in the midst of recovering from a premature birth, which she did in the bath of their home. Especially since that was not something that she thought was going to happen, that she was going to give birth in an emergency situation; a situation where she gave birth to their daughters in the bath, especially when she didn't think that she was giving birth to two daughters. Rather, she thought that she was only having their baby girl Bella; but instead, she had both of their daughters: Bella Grace, and Emily Marie Casey naturally. And that was the best experience, and she loved it.

But she just hated the reasons why she had to give birth naturally, and that was due to the fact that she couldn't give birth in the hospital, because it wasn't safe for her to give birth in the hospital; it wasn't safe because there's a pandemic around right now. A pandemic called COVID-19, which is why they're actually at their penthouse; the home that they decided to isolate in, because that's what they need to do right now. They need to isolate, and they just need to stay away from others; that way, they can stay healthy especially since she just gave birth to their daughters (whom she already knows that Matt loves far more than their sons, even though he doesn't want to admit it). But still, that was okay for now; especially because of how adorable her loving husband looked as he stood there, at their cribs and smiled at them. And god, she still remembers the last time she gave birth; and she can see the similarities in how he's reacting to being a new father (again) to Bella and Emily, compared to when she gave birth to the boys.

Sure, their twins Matteo and Noah made him a father; but Bella and Emily made him a girl dad, which is something that Matt has always wanted. He's always wanted to have daughters, and that's exactly what he is now; he's a girl dad, to their beautiful baby girls Bella and Emily Casey. But right now, she doesn't want her husband to be a girl dad, rather she wants him to be in bed with her so that she can give him his happy birthday kiss; even though she loves the sight that comes with him being at their daughters' crib, because she still loves the sight of his ass in those tight boxers of hers. Just smirking as she looked at Matt, she was so happy right now. God, he truly is sexy; and she's so glad that this is what they're doing right now, and that she and Matt are going to get a bit of time right now, before their boys join them. Because she knows that Matt is going to want to have Matteo and Noah with him today, because he's going to want to have all of his kids with him on his birthday; that's something that Gabby already knows and understands.

But there's one thing that she doesn't understand, and that's why he's not in bed with her; especially when it's early and he must want to have a few kisses with her, because she knows what she wants to share a sweet kiss with her husband; and that's exactly what she plans on telling her husband right now. But first, she needs to take one last glance at that gorgeous ass of his; because she knows that she's not going to be able to see it when he's back in bed and holding her in his arms. Then again, what's better than the two of them holding each other close? Because that's exactly what she wants right now. She wants to hold her husband in his arms and give him a birthday kiss. So, she's going to offer him a chance to come get one right now; just looking at her handsome husband, Gabby smirked because she wants him to come get close to her. "Hey birthday boy." Turning around to look at Gabby, Matt smiled at his beautiful wife; and that was due to the fact that he was really happy that she was awake.. "Hello my rockstar." Gabby smiled as she heard that.

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