The Second and Fourth

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Wow. I didn't expect to have already written (and posted) this many chapters, so that must mean that we're on a roll. I mean, aren't we? Well, I hope that you guys are ready for another chapter; and I hope that you are ready for some more chapters today. Now, here we go with Chapter One Hundred and Forty-One, with our main couple, The Caseys. Hope you like the chapter.

Casey Headquarters – 2nd Floor: ELLA Boutique
Why she woke up at 7:30 this morning? She had no clue. Why couldn't she fall back asleep? Beats her. All she knew, was that she wasn't going to sit in bed, while her husband keeps sleeping in bed; rather, she wanted to get moving and do something that she needed to do someday. Heck, she's surprised that she didn't already do this. And just what might that be? Well, getting things in order; including the layout of the story that her husband is letting her have, here at the headquarters. And while it is all built out, they are still in a place where they can't even move in. The reason? Gabby has yet to decide what floors are going to contain which types of clothing. So many questions to answer. Where are they going to put the men's clothing? What about the women's clothing? Oh, and then the kids' and other clothing that they're going to design. And they have three floors to do that. Yes, three floors. The second through seventh floors (and part of the first floor) are dedicated to the ELLA Boutique (and a manufacturing facility of the fifth through seventh floors), so that meant that they had everything here at the office; and that was everything that she needed, as it was home.

And that was actually where her husband thought that she should be right now, as he walked into the boutique through the first-floor entrance. And incredibly, Gabby was actually able to hear her husband yell out for her. "Gabby?" Hearing Matt's voice this morning, Gabby smiled as she went to yell out for him. "Second floor." Agreeing with his wife as she said that, Matt started to make his way up to the second floor of her boutique; the boutique which he wished she told him that she went to, especially when she left him naked in bed. And that most definitely was not something that he was happy about, because he never is. I mean, what husband likes the idea of waking up alone in bed after having sex with his wife? God, it was so good; and he most definitely was surprised when Gabby woke up in the middle of the night and gave him some attention. So much so, that he didn't even expect it. But now, he was more than ready to just see what the heck his wife was going right now. He wanted to know what in the world she was doing awake at 8:30. Well, only time will tell; especially after he asks her what she's doing up this early, now that he was on the same floor as her.

Seeing Gabby move some of the things around in the boutique, Matt took a breath. "Well, I see that someone does want to make sure that they make me worry." Turning her head to look at Matt, Gabby smiled as she looked at the man she loves as he walked over to her with Andy. Looking down at Andy, Gabby smiled. "Hey bud, you just go out to the washroom?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, as that most definitely was the truth; the last thing that Matt wants to do, is have Andy ruin the boutique before it even opens. And that's why Matt actually thinks that Gabby is down here right now because she wants to get this boutique up and running as soon as possible; but the truth was, this isn't what they need to prioritize. Rather, she needs to prioritize her health, and the health of their unborn baby girl. Just making his way over to her this morning, Matt smiled due to the fact that Gabby really looked quite sexy this morning; and there's a real reason why Matt is specifically saying sexy, which was the fact that she was currently wearing short shorts and a loose blouse (which clearly showed off her baby bump). "Mind if I let him off his leach? He's tugging on my arm?" Gabby agreed.

"Of course." Matt then bent down, before proceeding to grab his leach; after which, he unclipped it from his collar so that Andy could make his way over to Gabby. Doing just that, Andy smiled as he was happy to see Gabby there. He then walked up to her and just got ready to say hi to her, while also doing it carefully; because that was what his master ordered him to do. "Andy, stay down and take it easy. Down boy." Gabby then put her hand out, making sure that Andy stayed down; that way, Matt would relax and not worry about Andy hurting their baby girl. Because that was really why Matt just told Andy not to jump up, because he didn't want him to hit Gabby in the stomach, which is something that Matt most definitely knows that he can and would do if he wasn't told to stay down. "You do realize that he's a gentle dog, and wouldn't hurt me right?" Matt agreed with Gabby as she asked him that question, because he was awake of that fact. "I know, but that doesn't mean that I don't get a chance to worry; just like how I was when you weren't in bed this morning, and you let me wake up alone." That's when Matt heard Stella yell out. "In here Matt!" Matt was confused.

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now