The Caseys Celebrate Three Years at the Beach

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Hi Readers: I want to first thank you guys for reading my story, and I want to thank you for reading the last note that I just wrote for you guys with regards to Harry and Meghan. I hope that you guys are okay with me having posted that, because I really felt like I needed to write that post so that I could show my support for that them. But now, it's time for me to continue with the story.

They decided to wait until they were on the beach with each other for them to talk to about the question that Gabby asked him, as that was something that Matt felt like he needed; he needed to take a moment to think about what he was going to say to Gabby, and just what the answer to the question she asked him: "Matt, when you say his name; does it ever make you think about our late friend Andy?" Because that was something that Matt really needed to take a moment to think about, his answer to the question. And now, that's exactly what he's ready to answer. He wants to answer the question, as they sat with each other in the sand and held each other close. Because that most certainly was where Matt liked to sit when he talks about hard things, and it was helping him due; especially when it came to the sounds of the waves, which are very helpful. They are so relaxing, and it just calms Matt down so much; and he's really happy over the fact that he and Gabby are here as they get ready to speak about this topic, which is hard for him honestly.

Anything that deals with Andy is always a hard topic, well the other Andy; not Andy the dog, who is currently in the midst of running in and out of the ocean as he chases after a ball. And now, that was fun; and he was seemingly quite happy as he ran after the ball, simply because he was running. And the truth was, Matt was happy as well due to the fact that he was holding Gabby in his arms as he moved his hand to her stomach and stroked it with his thumb. Turning his head, Matt smiled as he looked down at his beautiful wife as he could tell that she was really comfortable; after which, he turned his head and then kissed her forehead softly. Stroking her baby bump, Matt smirked as he looked at the woman he loves more than anything in the entire world. "Comfortable?" Looking up at Matt, Gabby agreed with him and smiled; after all, she was extremely comfortable. "Oh, I am extremely comfortable." Matt smirked as he heard Gabby say that, before bending down so that he could kiss her softly; taking things slow with his wife, Matt just smiled at her.

"God, I love you so much; and I am so glad that this is what we're doing right now. That we went outside and are just playing with..." Turning his head, Matt saw that Andy was barking at somebody. "ANDY!" Turning his head, Andy saw that Matt was not happy; after which, Matt pointed to the spot that was right next to him (to get him to come join him). After which, Andy started to make his way back over to Matt so that he wasn't in trouble anymore. After all, that was exactly what he needed to do right now. If he was told to come be with him, then that was something that they needed to do; and he did it right away, as he ran back over to Matt like he told him to do. He then made his way up to Matt before shaking (since he was wet), and that most certainly was not something that Matt and Gabby enjoyed. Sitting up, Gabby looked at the dog; and boy, she wasn't please. "Andy!" Andy then proceeded to get close to Gabby before going to lick her face, which was his way to get back on her good side. "Okay, calm down Andy; it's okay."

Andy agreed with Gabby as she said that, before going to go lay down on the beach next to Matt and Gabby; at the same time, Gabby went ahead and laid back down against Matt's chest (wrapping her arms around his torso at the same time). After which, Matt wrapped his arm around her back and smiled as he turned his head and kissed her forehead softly; and that was exactly what Gabby wanted, especially due to the fact that it was so sweet. It's so intimate, and just so relaxing when he holds her close to her this way; and the truth is, she's really happy over the fact that they are together right now. It's exactly what they both want to do right now, and they just want to hold each other close. "Are you happy that this is what we're doing right now?" Gabby agreed with Matt as he said that, before smiling due to the fact that this is exactly what they're supposed to be doing right now. "This is the perfect way for us to celebrate our anniversary." Matt agreed with Gabby as she said that, smiling at his beautiful wife. "How long are we staying?"

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now