How are Things? Not Good.

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Finally, I got that chapter out to you guys...took me long enough. I'm just glad that I (finally) got that chapter out to you guys, as it allows us to continue with this story; but rather than do another Casey chapter, I'm going to follow the lead that I just started for you guys at the end of the chapter. You know, the one where Antonio texted Matt and Gabby; well, how about we see where this goes?

Halstead Home, Farmers Rd – He was just waiting for the response to his text message before he thought it would be appropriate to say anything, to say anything about how Gabby's doing with the mourning process; even though everybody already knows what Matt and Gabby are currently going through, Antonio didn't feel like it was his place to just tell people how his sister is. At least, not without asking his brother-in-law (and by extension, his sister) whether he can speak on their behalf and let their friends know how they're doing. And that was the entire reason behind the text message that he just sent to his brother-in-law, which he was just waiting on a response for; just like Jay was waiting on a response from him about the question. "Cat got your tongue?" Looking up at his friend as he walked up to him with some water, Antonio smiled at his employee and friend. "No, just waiting for a reply from the text message that I just sent to Matt." Jay agreed with Antonio as he said that, before proceeding to make his way over to Alex on the couch.

"Let me guess, asking him for permission to talk to us about Gabby?" Antonio sighed as he looked at Jay, as that was the case. "Guys, you have to understand that this is hard on them." Alex agreed with Antonio as he said that, well aware that was the case. "Hey, I completely get it; you don't want to push too far or feel like you overstepped in what you tell us. You want to make sure that you tell them us only as much as Matt and Gabby want you to tell us, because we aren't as close to them as you are." Antonio sighed as Alex said that, as that was the case. "I mean, I know that Jay is close to Matt." Jay shook his head as Antonio said that, as he wasn't as close as Kelly was to Matt. "It's different, we haven't been close friends for as long as him and Kelly have; heck, I wonder whether he's even been talking to them about it. I mean, I know they're best friends; but I just, I don't know what they want to do..." Alex then put her hand on her husband's leg, giving him the subtle message that it was time for him to stop talking (which he most certainly received).

Jay can read Alex's body language pretty well, and he knows what her putting her hand on his leg means; especially when she's mad at him. It means that he needs to shut up, and stop talking; if not, she'll have to yell (and that's something that they couldn't do in the hospital). And that was the entire reason behind them starting this silent language that they have, just between them. However, it seems like Antonio already picked up (and translated) some of that language into words. "I can only assume that you moving your hand into his lap either means shut up or you've said too much?" Alex was a bit taken aback when she heard Antonio ask her that question, as she didn't think that Antonio saw what she did with her hand (especially based on where she puts her hand, which is very close to Jay's crotch). "First of all, can I ask you WHY your eyes are in that direction?" Snickering a bit, Antonio just proceeded to take a sip of his water as to not get in trouble with his friends. "Yeah, maybe we change the topic." Jay agreed with his friend, smiling.

"So, is Eva at work in California today?" Antonio agreed. "Until two. Then she's at the college for exam prep. Can't believe that she's already done her first semester of college." Jay smiled as he heard his friend say that. "I know, sounds crazy. Now, where's she going to go over Christmas?" Antonio nodded, as he was...but for another reason too. "I'm actually going to go to her in Los Angeles, then we're flying to Chicago to do Christmas there. That way, I can see Diego at the same time." Alex laughed as she heard Antonio say that. "Wow, you're actually VOLUNTEERING to go to Chicago? You're crazy Antonio." Antonio just looked at Alex, before smiling. "I have some business there, things I need to attend to." Alex was confused as she heard Antonio say that. "What's that Antonio?" Antonio then took a breath. "Okay, so you can't tell Matt that I've been doing this." Jay just looked at his friend as he said that. "I can't tell him that you've been doing what?" Antonio smirked. "I've been working for both the Chicago Police Department, and the company."

The Caseys: Family Life, Part 2Where stories live. Discover now