Frustrations in the Shower

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The sight of his girlfriend standing in the shower in front of him had to be one of the sexiest things that he's ever seen, especially when she's naked and basically begging him to join her; which is something that the business executive most definitely ready to do, as he wants to hold her in his arms and give her the attention that they both want. I mean, just because they're getting old doesn't mean that they don't want to get some attention from their significant other; especially not when they look this sexy, like his girlfriend currently does. And god is Antonio Dawson so turned on, as he made his way up to the counter and set his boxers down; after which, he made his way over to the shower (while also taking off his towel). Hanging it up next to his girlfriend's towel on the hooks, Antonio smiled as he proceeded to open the shower. Turning around after hearing the door open, Emily smiled as she saw Antonio standing there in all his glory. "Hi handsome." Antonio smirked as he heard Emily say that, before moving to join her in the shower.

"God, you are so damn sexy." Emily laughed as she heard Antonio say that, before watching as he closed the door behind him; after which, he got close to her so that he can hold her in his arms. And heck, maybe he can even wash her this morning (not that Emily would object to that); I mean, her boyfriend is quite muscular...and she's ready to just get past what's bothering the both of them, which is why she just stepped close to him and put her hands on his chest. Moving his hands to her hips shortly afterwards, Antonio smiled as he looked at her; after which, he put his hand on her neck and stared into her eyes. "God, you are so beautiful." Emily agreed with Antonio as he said that, before leaning up so that she can kiss him softly. "As are you handsome." Antonio smiled as he heard Emily say that, before getting close to her and pushing her against the wall; after which, he wrapped his arm around her waist and started to take things nice and slow with her. "Listen, can we talk about this? I want to get past this Antonio." Antonio agreed.

After all, he wants to the same thing; he wants to get past the argument that they were having, because he wants to explain what's going on with his sister. "What's wrong Antonio? Why don't you want me to meet your nephews?" Antonio sighed as Emily asked him why he doesn't want to introduce her to his family, yet at least. "There's something you need to know, about my relationship with my sister." Emily looked up at Antonio when he said that, seemingly hearing some worries in his voice. "A couple months ago, I was in a relationship with someone that she wasn't happy with; in fact, she was her enemy and did unspeakable things to her...things that I believed her on. She told me the opposite of what really happened, and I took my sister's then girlfriend's side." Emily just looked at Antonio as he said that, starting to understand. "And you know it took me like a month to introduce you to Eva, so I am even more apprehensive when it comes to my sister; especially when she's not in a place where she wants to see anybody new."

Emily was confused as she heard Antonio say that, obviously hearing that there's something more to that statement; something that she doesn't want to press him about if it's too hard, but she does feel like she needs to know for the sake of their relationship. "Antonio, I don't want to push; but I feel like I should know, that way I won't ask too many questions." Taking a breath, Antonio just looked at his girlfriend; after all, this is something that he shouldn't tell her...especially not when Gabby doesn't even know her, but it will also explain everything; and his reasons for not wanting to introduce her to Gabby yet. "Listen, I shouldn't be telling you this...but it will explain everything. Emily, I am going to tell you something; and you need to swear to me that it stays in between us, because I could get in big trouble if I tell you this." Sensing that this is something big, Emily agreed with her boyfriend so that he could tell her. "What is it Toni? Talk to me, is everything okay with your family?" Antonio took a breath as Emily asked him that.

"Okay, so you remember how I told you that my sister is pregnant right now?" Emily agreed with Antonio. "Yeah. Wait, is that why? That's no..." Antonio then went to finish. "Emily, please let me finish; I need to explain it all, not just a part of it." Emily, taking a breath just let Antonio do that. "Okay, do it." Taking a breath, Antonio proceeded to rub her arms and just held her close. "Well, here's the thing. At her last appointment, my sister learned some bad news; she learned that rather than being pregnant with twins, she was pregnant with triplets." Emily was confused as she heard Antonio say that. "What? That's great news. How is it..." Antonio took a breath. "Key word being WAS pregnant with triplets." Emily just looked at Antonio.. "Oh..." Antonio nodded. "My sister just suffered a partial-miscarriage, and she lost a son; so right now, she got a lot of bad news...and my brother-in-law said that she had a bad night last night, a lot of tears." Emily just agreed. "Especially around the fact that she's still carrying her unborn baby boy."

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